Chinese Catholic Biblical Drama in the Republican Period: An Examination of Anachronisms
摘要: 民国时期,在华天主教会出版了一批根据圣经故事改编的戏剧作品。这些圣经剧的形式多样,有中国本土各种传统的曲艺,也有现代的话剧,既要能娱乐大众,满足观众看戏的欲望,同时又要突出其宗教教化的功能。本文以数部剧作为例,集中研究剧中角色超越历史时空的言语及行为,考察剧作者如何透过时空错置的情节,把圣经故事的文本结合当代的宗教语境,对经文进行诠释之外,更试图导引观众的信仰生活实践。Abstract: A corpus of performative texts, mostly representations of biblical stories, was published by the Chinese Catholic presses in the early 20th century. The biblical tales were creatively dramatized in a variety of traditional Chinese operas, folk performing arts, and modern vernacular plays, for the purposes of entertainment and disseminating Catholic thoughts and values in Republican China. Taking several biblical plays as case studies, this paper focuses on the anachronistic scenes in the scripts and the ways in which the playwrights integrated the biblical narratives with the contemporary religious context. I demonstrate that this approach of biblical interpretation sought to guide the religious practices of the Catholic community.
Key words:
- Republican China /
- Catholic church /
- Biblical drama /
- Anachronism /
- Drama and religion
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