Circle of Understanding and Belief: A Restored Reconstruction of the Confucian Thoughts
摘要: 大体始自清代"乾嘉学派",中国传统经学开启了"小学"和"史学"的转向,其虽已初具知识现代化的规模,但也从根本上动摇了经学作为中国思想发展之重要载体的根基。对此,本文主要以符号学的"内涵系统"及"元语言"为形式构架,以西方现代诠释学的相关理论为充实性内容,一方面以之消解"小学"和"史学"对经学文本的"语料化"和"史料化",另一方面以期重新阐释传统经学中的相关问题,并进一步为经学思想和经学信仰的"恢复"开启新的可能性。Abstract: Almost from "Qianjia School" in the Qing Dynasty, Confucianism began the turn of "textual criticism" and "historiography," which had the preliminary model of knowledge modernization, but at the same time undermined the foundation of Confucianism as an important carrier of Chinese thoughts development. Hence, this paper deploys "connotative system" and "metalanguage" of semiotics as formal frame and some thoughts of Western modern hermeneutics as substantiated content, in order to dissolve "textual criticism" and "historiography" regarding Confucian canonical texts respectively as "verbal data" and "historical data" on the one hand, and to reinterpret some relevant subjects of Confucianism and further tap the new potentiality of "restoration" of Confucian thoughts and beliefs, on the other hand.
Key words:
- Confucianism /
- textual criticism /
- historiography /
- semiotics /
- hermeneutics /
- belief
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