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吴键. “南北话语”建构与民族空间地理意识的现代转型——以刘师培《南北文学不同论》为中心[J]. 国际比较文学, 2018, 1(2): 234-248.
引用本文: 吴键. “南北话语”建构与民族空间地理意识的现代转型——以刘师培《南北文学不同论》为中心[J]. 国际比较文学, 2018, 1(2): 234-248.
WU Jian. The Framing of Southern and Northern Discourses and the Modern Transformation of Ethnic Geospatial Consciousness: A Case Study of Liu Shipei's “Treatise on the Difference between Literatures of the North and the South”[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2018, 1(2): 234-248.
Citation: WU Jian. The Framing of Southern and Northern Discourses and the Modern Transformation of Ethnic Geospatial Consciousness: A Case Study of Liu Shipei's “Treatise on the Difference between Literatures of the North and the South”[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2018, 1(2): 234-248.


The Framing of Southern and Northern Discourses and the Modern Transformation of Ethnic Geospatial Consciousness: A Case Study of Liu Shipei's “Treatise on the Difference between Literatures of the North and the South”

  • 摘要: 本文尝试以刘师培的《南北文学不同论》为中心,考察清末民初的南北文学想象,力图在近代文学观念的生成与传统空间地理意识转型的双重视阈之下,勾勒南北文学论述脱去其传统政治意涵而转型为一种近代知识的历程与轨迹。刘师培的南北论述集中于其服膺民族主义思想的"光汉"时期,核心在于追问为何北方古代文教昌盛,而至近代却文化夷陵、不如南方。认为这一论述承接文质、夷夏、正闰相结合的前现代民族主义的话语资源,同时也在传统天下观消隐、现代民族国家竞存的新世界格局中发生着形变。刘师培南北论述虽然承接了传统的地域风俗论,但其论述的基底却是明确的现代科学世界观,其间体现着古今空间地理观念的转型。
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