Trends and Developments of Chinese Comparative Literature(2014-2018)
摘要: 随着中国学者成功申办第22届国际比较文学年会,中国比较文学的国际影响日益明显,中国学者提出的变异学研究、跨文明研究、译介学研究等学科理论也越来越广泛地被国际学界了解和认可,从而为国际比较文学学科理论做出独特的贡献。从学术活动与学术会议的举办方面看,近年来中国比较文学进入到了一个相对活跃的时期。从学术期刊及学科理论的新进展方面看,期刊数量不断增加、质量显著提高;比较文学研究队伍,老中青梯队布局,老学者研究热情不减、中年学者成果迭出,青年学者不断进取,呈现出欣欣向荣的发展局面。Abstract: After Chinese scholars were successful in their bid for the 22nd International Comparative Literature Meeting, the field of Chinese comparative literature has gained considerable international influence. For example, new theories developed by Chinese scholars (e.g. the theory of variation studies and cross civilization research and translation studies) are becoming more widely read and recognized in international academic circles; academic conferences focused on Chinese comparative literature are increasing in number; the number of periodicals dedicated to the subject has been increasing and the quality of the periodicals has greatly improved. Looking at the demographics of the researchers, there is a nice range in the age of scholars in the field. As the older scholars continue in their enthusiasm for the topic, the middle-aged scholars are producing new findings, and the young scholars are eagerly forging ahead. On the whole, there is a scene of prosperity in the discipline.
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