The Developments and Trends of Chinese Translation Studies (2009-2018)
摘要: 本文梳理了2009年至2018年中国翻译研究领域的重要文献,发现研究范围和内容非常丰富,研究成果数量逐年上升,主要聚焦领域依次为翻译理论、翻译实践、翻译教学、文学译介、口译、翻译史、翻译与技术,体现出学科交叉、分工更细、专题更深入等特点,认为今后这些特点将更加凸显,且翻译研究学术交流平台会进一步扩大。Abstract: This paper reviews research trends in translation studies in China from 2009 to 2018. Based on the analysis of prominent academic articles and books, this article describes seven important areas of research in the field:translation theory; translation practice; translation teaching; literary translation; interpretation; translation history; and technology. In addition, it describes recent developments and trends and offers suggestions for new research topics and future growth.
Key words:
- China /
- Translation Studies /
- Developments and Trends
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