Poetical Features in LUO-Fu's Images of Contiguity
摘要: 本文讨论洛夫近晚期的作品,以转喻的接续性作为论述的焦点。洛夫作品中,一方面,意象的诞生似乎有雅克慎选择轴与接续轴的影子,但另一方面,诗性的浓郁却超乎这种理论术语的界域。与众多诗人不同的是,洛夫似乎没有意识到这些理论,但却与这些理论似有似无地呼应,因此也完全摆脱了这些理论可能产生的框架。洛夫如此的诗作因此既有现当代精神,又能让意象悠游自在且富于生命感。本文将讨论他意象中,时间接续的诗性,空间接续的诗性,逻辑接续的诗性,对比接续的诗性,接续与选择互动时的诗性,接续与选择的融合。本文的结论是:洛夫近晚期作品中,接续性意象浓郁的诗性,在于诗作中自然、动人、深邃的生命感。Abstract: This paper discusses LUO-Fu's later poems with emphasis on the aspect of metonymic contiguity. On the one hand, in LUO-Fu's poetical works, the creation of images seems to reflect the interaction of selection and contiguity as maintained by Roman Jakobson; on the other hand, the density of poetical features surpasses the principles of theoretical terms. As contrasted with many other poets, although bearing some similarity with Jakobson's concept, LUO-Fu seems not to be conscious of these theories; therefore his images of contiguity are not confined by the theoretical framework. These images reflect his contemporaneity without forced attempt to assert himself as a contemporary poet. The poems are weighted with serenity of life and yet the poet strolls freely in vivid lively scenes. This paper will discuss the poetical features of his images in temporal contiguity, in spatial contiguity, in logical contiguity, in contrastive contiguity, in the interaction of selection and contiguity. The conclusion of this paper is:in LUO-Fu's later works, the poetical features of contiguity exist in its natural, moving, profound treatment of life.
Key words:
- Contiguity /
- Selection /
- Roman Jakobson /
- Poetical Features /
- Seemingly Non-technique
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