Jean Racine and Ancient Greek Tragedy
摘要: 拉辛是十七世纪法国古典主义悲剧的代表作家,有四部传世悲剧改写自欧里庇得斯,学界一般认为欧里庇得斯对拉辛的影响远甚于其他古希腊作者。但事实上,拉辛在创作前期将索福克勒斯奉为最佳悲剧诗人典范,即便改写欧里庇得斯也有意否认其影响。自《伊菲革涅亚》起,拉辛转而公开自封为欧里庇得斯的当世唯一传人。拉辛参考亚里士多德的《诗学》亦相应地从单纯的文艺理论借鉴转为沉思戏剧教化问题。拉辛与古希腊悲剧传统的渊源微妙复杂,与路易十四年代文坛论辩有着深刻内在关联。Abstract: The relation between the seventeenth-century French dramatist and the tragedian of ancient Greece has received scant critical attention,though four of Jean Racine's plays are largely based on works by Euripides.Yet before he claims to be the only disciple of Euripides in Iphigenia's preface,Racine considers the works of Sophocles as the perfect example of tragedy.Through a careful study of Racine's dramatic works,polemical essays,correspondence and specially his early notes on Greek authors,this article tries to examine this change of attitude that may have a connection with Racine's reference and application of Aristotle's Poetics.
Key words:
- Jean Racine /
- Sophocles /
- Euripides /
- Aristotle’s Poetics
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