Beauties in Qing Court Art: On Jiao Bingzhen’s Album of Classical Ladies
摘要: 焦秉贞是满洲贵族统治下的清代宫廷画师,其代表作《仕女图册》以高度装饰性的风格展现了清代宫廷仕女画在视觉享乐主义上的一个高峰。女性作为男权制度下的视觉享乐载体,是贯穿中国历代仕女画的一个共同特征。但除此之外,焦秉贞《仕女图册》的重要性在于其中蕴含了诸多跨文化的要素,包括西洋绘画技法在宫廷艺术中的运用、南方文人画传统与满洲审美的结合等。与此同时,在单纯的视觉观看之外,《仕女图册》中的女性形象还体现出了汉文化与清代政治统治之间种种复杂微妙的关系。本文以《仕女图册》为例,希望进一步探究清代宫廷仕女画在图像释义上的转变,从而更好地界定此作品在特定的历史语境中所发挥的审美功能与政治功能。Abstract: As a court painter in Qing dynasty under the Manchu’s authority, Jiao Bingzhen created the Album of Classical Ladies, with its highly decorative style, mainly to serve as a visual pleasure for the Qing’s court. Yet, besides the basic quality of female being an object for the male’s beholding as a visual enjoyment, which is common throughout Chinese court arts, this album also reflects crossing-cultural elements including the introduction of western painting techniques, the tradition of paintings of beautiful women generated from the southern literati class, together with the rich, bright surface preferred by the Manchu aesthetics. This essay intends to explore the causes of the combinations as well as the transition of meanings in painting of beautiful women from a cultural level to the court’s establishment, thus, to better identify the aesthetic and political functions of this artwork in specific context.
Key words:
- Qing court /
- Manchu aesthetics /
- western techniques /
- painting of the feminine /
- literati culture /
- political authority
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