Reading Zhongyong as “Focusing the Familiar”
摘要: 作为列克辛敦出版社2018年出版的《论汉语韵律学视角下的比较文学》一书的后续研究计划的一个章节,本文进一步探讨了虚词的尚待进一步认识的重要作用,比如认识虚词如何不仅在本学科、本文化的领域中,而且在跨学科、跨文化的范围内所起的同样不为人知而又时常出人意料的作用。换言之,本文强调不管语气助词比如“也” 字的实际效果如何被低估,其在《中庸》一文中的作用并不亚于定冠词the,连词and,以及介词和连词after等在T. S. 艾略特的著名诗作《四重奏》中所起的作用(因篇幅所限,待另文再议),关键是其特定的表达方式和效果的确来自语言学所允许的语境并产生于相关文本的特殊的文化氛围以及文学体裁。依此思路,本文侧重品读诠释诗文中深受虚词悄无声息影响的音韵,以期一改过去偏重词义及其文化因素和视觉效果的习惯,进一步理解意义与音韵、头脑与节律、眼睛与耳朵(视觉与听觉),以及语言内在与外在因素间的微妙关系。Abstract: Intended as part of a follow-up book-length project of Comparative Literature in the Light of Chinese Prosody (Lexington Books, 2018), this paper continues the arguments regarding how function words could play such decisive but often unrecognized roles in surreptitiously and even often serendipitously impacting our reading not only within but also across disciplines and cultures. The paper argues, in other words, how this underestimated role of function words, as in the case of the modal particle ye 也, could play just as important a role in Zhongyong 《中庸》 (The Doctrine of the Mean) as the equally commonplace definite article “the,” the conjunction“and,” and preposition and conjunction“after,” etc. in T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets (to be discussed in another paper given the limit of space) in accordance with the linguistic environments or contexts that define the particular textual expressions within the given cultural milieu and literary genre. Along these lines, we can also better understand the intricate relationships between meaning and sound, mind and rhythm, eye and ear, and intra- and extra-linguistic elements, for a healthy counterbalance to our habitual emphasis on meaning or its cultural and visual appearance, often at the expense of sound. In this way, we can understand how otherwise“silent” or insignificant sound that each function word enlivens also influences the way we read or interpret both poetry and prose.
Key words:
- zhongyong /
- function words /
- prosody /
- reading /
- translation
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