Mirror of Enigma and Mirror of Magic: Textual Evidence for Setting the Ground of East-West Comparative Literature
摘要: 东西方在语言、文化、历史和社会生活各方面都有巨大差异,如何奠定比较之基础在东西比较研究中是一个极具挑战性的问题。就中西比较文学而言,重要的不在空谈理论,而在展示具体例子作为文本证据,揭示不同文学传统之间的契合,并以此来建立起比较的合理性。缺乏文本证据,比较就会显得空洞而牵强,一味在抽象的概念之间打转,用一些晦涩的概念术语来故弄玄虚,更只会令人怀疑比较文学的价值,甚至对之冷眼相看。此文将通过讨论镜子这样一个具体意象的可比性,来说明对于东西比较研究而言,文本证据具有方法学上的重要意义。Abstract: Given the huge linguistic, cultural, historical, and social differences between the East and the West, what constitutes the ground for comparison poses a serious challenge to any comparative work. For Chinese-Western comparative studies, it is very important not just to make theoretical claims, but to establish the validity of comparison through a display of concrete examples as textual evidence to reveal the comparability of different literary traditions. Without textual evidence, comparisons may sound empty and unconvincing, and jumping from abstract concepts to jargon-laden obscurantism only reduces the value of comparative literature and damage its respectability. Through discussion of the comparability of a concrete image—that of the mirror—this essay will show the importance of textual evidence as methodologically meaningful for East-West comparative studies.
Key words:
- Chinese-Western comparative literature /
- textual evidence /
- concrete images /
- mirror /
- methodology
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