Different Modes of Waiting for the Same Moses: Review of Mo Yan’s “Waiting for Moses” from a Cross-Textual Perspective
摘要: 本文从跨文本对话角度,将《等待摩西》与《希伯来圣经》中的摩西五经、《路得记》作跨时空的比照,探讨《等待摩西》中当代中国版浪子回头故事。《等待摩西》以“文革”初期更名《事件》为开篇,围绕《等待摩西》中的两个东北乡人摩西(“东北乡人摩西”柳摩西与“东北乡女摩西”马秀美)六十多年的人生,揭示出当代中国两大典型性难题:如何安顿个体的灵魂?如何在今世今生完成个体以及一个民族-国家的出埃及壮举?以此来看,《等待摩西》中对“摩西”的“等待”构成21世纪新时代中国的母题:个体与民族-国家都在历史转折点上“等待”一位“摩西”。现实的中国依然不离这样的现实:正如《等待摩西》所揭示的,对于同一个“摩西”,有着不同的打开“等待”的方式。正如《等待摩西》所期许的,21世纪对同一个“摩西”,虽然打开“等待”的方式不同,但是东北乡女摩西为打开“等待摩西”提供了典范。Abstract: This paper conducts a comparative study between Mo Yan’s “Waiting for Moses”(2018), a contemporary Chinese version of the prodigal son narrative, and the Torah, or the“Five Books of Moses,”and the Book of Ruth from the Hebrew Bible / the Tanakh from a cross-textual dialogue perspective. Starting with the name-change episode in the early times of the Great Cultural Revolution, Mo Yan’s work portrays over sixty years in the lives of two Chinese peasants (Moses Liu and his wife Xiumei Ma) in a northeastern village, only to reveal two typical dilemmas of contemporary Chinese society: Where is the home for a man’s soul? How to complete the Exodus for the individual and the nation-state in this world and this life? It is thus to be argued that the waiting for a Moses in Mo Yan’s allegorical story points to the motif of twenty-first-century Chinese society: such a waiting pertains to both the individual and the nation-state. As is demonstrated in the story, for the same Moses there exist different modes of waiting, and of all the possibilities, Xiumei Ma’s is still the paradigm most likely to be acknowledged and even admired by public opinions of the day.
Key words:
- Mo Yan /
- “Waiting for Moses” /
- The Hebrew Bible/The Tanakh /
- cross-textual dialogue /
- Moses Liu /
- Xiumei Ma /
- Moses /
- the Exodus
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