Methods of Narrating Disaster: Poetry of the Siege of Leningrad
摘要: 列宁格勒大围困期间出现的表现围困主题的俄文诗歌,除了依靠广播、报纸、宣传画等媒介传播的主流作品之外,还包括近些年经研究者整理出版的“地下写作”。比较以奥·别尔格利茨等人的主流诗歌与后一种诗歌的代表、“后先锋主义”诗人的创作,会发现两者在讲述灾难的方式上有巨大的差异:前一种诗歌具有更明显的受众群体,诗歌文本运用对话的方式,以爱国主义、集体主义和道德等信念观照受围困的市民,塑造强大的集体主义身体;而后者描写围困区状况时采用了多种实验性质的写作技巧,常常对大围困现状表现出绝望情绪,以“大围困”作为世界终结的象征,突出强调了“个人身体”在灾难中的境遇。两种不同叙事视角的写作,反映出官方与民间对灾难事件“大围困”的理解偏差。Abstract: The poetry written during the Siege of Leningrad consists not only of the mainstream poems distributed through official media sources, but also of “underground writings” that have received attention from researchers in recent years. Comparing the official poems of Olag Bergholz with the underground poems that represent a kind of“post-avant-gardism,” we observe a sharp difference in the methods of narrating disaster: the former has a more obvious audience, applies dialogue in the writing, expresses care for the besieged citizens, and espouses beliefs such as patriotism, collectivism, and morality to encourage and strengthen a“body of collectivism”; the latter applies various kinds of experimental writing techniques in describing the conditions of the besieged area, reveals a despairing mood between the lines, and uses the siege as a symbol for the end of the world, especially highlighting the circumstances of the“individual body” in the disaster. The difference between these two narrative perspectives reflects the deviation between the officials and the people in understanding the disastrous events of the siege.
Key words:
- poetry in the Siege of Leningrad /
- the post-avant-garde in Russia /
- O. Bergholz /
- G. Gor
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