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姚达兑. 述异与传教:吴板桥英译《白蛇之谜:雷峰塔传奇》(1896)研究[J]. 国际比较文学, 2020, 3(1): 136-150.
引用本文: 姚达兑. 述异与传教:吴板桥英译《白蛇之谜:雷峰塔传奇》(1896)研究[J]. 国际比较文学, 2020, 3(1): 136-150.
YAO Dadui. Narrating the Bizarre and Preaching Christianity in China: Samuel Woodbridge's English Translation of The Mystery of the White Snake: A Legend of Thunder Peak Tower in 1896[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2020, 3(1): 136-150.
Citation: YAO Dadui. Narrating the Bizarre and Preaching Christianity in China: Samuel Woodbridge's English Translation of The Mystery of the White Snake: A Legend of Thunder Peak Tower in 1896[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2020, 3(1): 136-150.


基金项目: 本文是为国家社科基金青年项目“中国古代神怪小说的近代英译和域外影响研究”(17CZW036)阶段性成果。

Narrating the Bizarre and Preaching Christianity in China: Samuel Woodbridge's English Translation of The Mystery of the White Snake: A Legend of Thunder Peak Tower in 1896

  • 摘要: 1896年,美国来华传教士吴板桥将中国神怪小说《白蛇精记》译成英文,题为《白蛇之谜:雷峰塔传奇》出版。经考证,该译本所据版本为清代玉山主人所撰小说《雷峰塔奇传》。吴板桥的翻译明显是一种改写,主要体现在三方面:故事单元的重组、叙事方式的改变和内容的删改。为吸引西方读者,吴板桥的译文采取了西方小说的叙述形式并加入了西方价值观念。同时,其译文中还夹杂着吴板桥对中国信仰和社会现状的批判。吴板桥认为中国人有一种狂热的偶像崇拜,中国人的思想状态需要基督教的福音来改造。这里应当警惕和批判的是:翻译《白蛇之谜:雷峰塔传奇》对吴板桥而言,正是刻意描述异教中国、批评中国现状,向西方读者传达了一种急切需要在华传教的理念。
  • [1] Anon. Review of Pe-shi-tsing-ki:Blanche et Bleue, ou Les deux couleuvres fées:roman chinois. Translated by Stanislas Julien. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1, no. 2(1834):307-21.
    [2] Chang, Ching Tung. China's Only Hope. Translated by Samuel I. Woodbridge. New York:Revel & Co., 1901.
    [3] H. C. "Lüi-fung Tǎ, ‘Thunder-peak Pagoda,’ or the Story of Han-wǎn and the White Serpent." Edited by James Summers. The Chinese and Japanese Repository I (February 1864):357-65; (March 1864):401-10; (April 1864):429-35; (May 1864):461-68; (June 1864):503-13; Vol. II, No. XIII:11-18; No. XV:89-97.
    [4] Julien, Stanislas, trans. Blanche et Bleue, ou Les deux couleuvres fées:roman chinois. Paris:Librairie de Charles Gosselin, 1834.
    [5] Werner, E. T. "Our Book Table:The Mystery of the White Snake, A Legend of Thunder Peak Tower." The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal XXVIII (November 1897):87-88.
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    [8] ——, trans. The Mystery of the White Snake:A Legend of Thunder Peak Tower. Shanghai:Printed at the "North-China Herald" Office, 1896.
    [9] ——, trans. "The Mystery of the White Snake:A Legend of Thunder Peak Tower." Serialized in The North-China Daily News, 1896, from September 2-December 10, in twelve sections.
    [10] ——, trans. The Golden Horned Dragon King, or The Emperor's Visit to the Spirit World. Shanghai:The "North-China Herald" Office, 1895.
    [11] ——. A Short History of Chinkiang. Chinkiang:Chinkiang Literary Association, 1898.
    [12] 柳存仁编:《伦敦所见中国小说书目提要》,北京:书目文献出版社,1982年。
    [13] [LIU Cunren, ed. Lundun suojian Zhongguo xiaoshuo shumu tiyao (Bibliography of Chinese Novels Seen in London). Beijing:Bibliographic Literature Publishing House, 1982.]
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    [18] 吴晓芳:《"不崇永生上帝之荣,反拜速朽世人禽兽昆虫之像":论吴板桥对神书西游故事的英译(1895)》,《当代中国研究》2018年第25卷第2期,第145-165页。
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