摘要: 天曹地府祭不仅在平安京流行,也在东国流行。其形成时间可以追溯到治乘年间。其目的有治病和消除天变引起的灾祸,也有为了打胜仗的,可见目的的多样性。天曹地府祭往往与泰山府君祭同时举行,二者关系密切。天曹地府祭与泰山府君祭有八位共同的祭神,10世纪初期形成的泰山府君祭是在六道信仰的基础上再编而成的。在古籍文献中,天曹地府祭的“曹”被写成“曺”,“曺”作为“曹”的异体字可以追溯至中国的典籍,“曺”与“甲胄”的“胄”字体类似,阴阳家据此创设使用“曺”字,以显示其神秘和权威。从《今昔物语集》《冥报记》等文献可以看出,天曹地府祭的形成得益于中国的典籍,与汉文文献在东亚的传播有很大关系。Abstract: Tiansouchifusai was popular not only in the capital city of Heian-kyō , but also in eastern Japan . It came into shape during the Chisyou Period. The intentions of the sacrificial rite ranged from curing diseases and reducing the impact of natural disasters to winning battles,which demonstrates the diversity of its purpose. Tiansouchifusai tended to be held at the same time with Taizanfukunsai, and the two were closely related. The two rituals had eight gods in common. Taizanfukunsai, which was initially established in the early tenth century, was based on the worship of the Six Great Divisions. In ancient canons, the Chinese character “曹” in Tiansouchifusai was often written as “曺.” The history of “曺” being taken as a variant of “曹” can be traced back to the Chinese classics. On a separate front, “曺” was similar with ‘胄’,which inspired Onmyouji to use “曺” creatively in order to show its mysteriousness and authority.We can see from ancient books such as Konjaku Monogatari and Meihouki that the formation of Tiansouchifusai benefited from Chinese classics, and had a lot to do with the circulation of Chinese canonical texts in East Asia.
Key words:
- Tiansouchifusai /
- Konjaku Monogatari /
- formation /
- China /
- canonical text
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