摘要: 日本最早的插图本百科事典《训蒙图彙》(日本宽文六年,1666)是由京都的儒学者中村惕斋(1629—1702)按照《三才图会》的部类,把丰富的内容进行分类,省略文字,加上精美插图而成。这样的编排便于读者根据名称和图形来检索,也便于阅览,给此后的插图事典以很大的影响。小林祥次郎搜集整理的文献有国会图书馆本、国立公文书馆本、东京大学综合图书馆本、横山重本这四种。本文在此基础上整理和分析了十一种全本,并且详细比较分析了其中五种不同的版本。华丽的手工着色本《训蒙图彙》刊行后,出版商从中看到了高额的价值,将其刊行,作为商品在市场上出售,另外,为了更多的读者购买,也为了更便于阅读,出版商缩小插图,加上详细的解释再版刊行。《训蒙图彙》刊本丰富,各具特色。Abstract: The earliest illustrated encyclopedia in Japan, Kinmouzui (the 6th year of the Kanbun era,1666), was compiled by NAKAMURA Tekisai(1629-1702), a Confucian scholar in Kyoto,who completed the project by classifying a variety of contents into different categories according to those in Sancai Tuhui, omitting certain texts, and adding fine illustrations. This arrangement makes it easier for readers to search conveniently by name and illustrations, and thus rendering the reading process easier as well. This encyclopedia has had a profound influence on subsequent “illustrated encyclopediae.” KOBAYASHI Shoujirou collected and analyzed four versions of Kinmouzui, namely,the Library of Congress edition, the National Archives of Japan Digital Archive edition, the University of Tokyo General Library edition, and the YOKOYAMA Sigeru Collection edition. This paper analyzes 11 versions of Kinmouzui based on KOBAYASHI Shoujirou’s scholarship, and conducts a comparative study of 5 versions among them in detail. When the glamorously resplendent hand-colored Kinmouzui was initially released, the publisher saw potential high profits in the book and continued to publish it as a commodity on the market. Furthermore, in order to attract more buyers and to make it easier to read, illustrations were abridged from the second edition while detailed annotations were added. Kinmouzui has an extensive and rich collection of editions, each with its own features and characteristics.
Key words:
- Kinmouzui /
- edition /
- illustration /
- encyclopedia /
- research
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