Li Zehou and The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
摘要: 李泽厚的《美学四讲》部分内容入选《诺顿理论与批评选》对于新世纪中国文论研究具有重大意义。本论文将集中讨论选篇中几个最具李氏后马克思主义美学的原创性问题:1)将马克思《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》与新中国考古发现以及中国艺术发展史融合起来,独创性地建立了以“自然的人化”和“人的自然化”为核心的“原始积淀说”美学理论;2)用“自然的人化”改造了康德的两种“符合目的性”,并对康德的“主观的普遍可传达性”和“共感”论进行了科学的解释;3)用“人的自然化”对中国古典文论“文气—骨力”说进行了现代诠释,以及由此而引发的中国古典文论是否也可用于阐释西方文学的再思考。
- 李氏后马克思主义美学 /
- 原始积淀 /
- 自然的人化与人的自然化 /
- 文气—骨力
Abstract: Parts of Li Zehou's Four Essays on Aesthetics have been included into the second edition of The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. This is symbolic for contemporary Chinese literary theory. This paper purports to analyze several seminal ideas in Li's post-Marxist aesthetics: 1) Li's theory of “primitive sedimentation” which is based upon “the naturalism of man and the humanism of nature” mentioned in passing in Marx's 1844 Manuscripts and supported by China's archeological discoveries as well as ancient Chinese arts; 2) a materialist re-interpretation of Kantian “purposiveness,” “subjective universal communicability,” and “sensus communis”?; 3) a reconstruction of the classical Chinese poetic idea of wen qi and gu li (literary force and bone-strength). Inspired by Li, this paper also argues that certain classical Chinese literary theories may possibly be applied to reading classical, if not modernist-postmodernist Western poetry. -
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