The Other Edge of Literature: The Reinterpretation of Baudelaire's “Modernity-Genesis Field” in Les Fleurs du mal
摘要: 波德莱尔《恶之花》中的“现代性”问题,不能仅从西方文明内部发展的单一视角和逻辑来进行考察,而可引入中国文学所注重的缘域精神,以有助于揭示其作为现代主义文学滥觞期的典范文本所具有的独特品质。中国文学的缘域境界在古典时代发展形成,它主要是指文学作为一种非疆域的人文现象所强调的物性、神性、人性的和谐状态及其对感性生命的直观。波德莱尔《恶之花》的“现代性—缘域”则是在看到物—人—神关系在工业和资本裹挟所带来的破碎境况下去展开重建中的创造。这种“现代性—缘域”的创造,在逆反形而上学本体论主宰的西方古典文学中,深入到现代文明的血脉和骨骼处,创造出一种充满内部差异、矛盾的新型文学样态,即:在逆反形而上学绝对之善中对都市之恶的发现;在逆反哲人王的独断权威中对都市大众之无名和隐匿状态的展现;在逆反古典和浪漫主义理想型写作中对象征型写作的实践。而这也形成了波德莱尔诗歌的缘域、政治的缘域和文化的缘域的三重维度,并值得研究者发掘和重视。Abstract: The “modernity” revealed in Baudelaire's work Les Fleurs du mal can not only be examined singly within the internal development of Western civilization, but can also be seen within the spirit of the genesis field that Chinese literature stressed, in order to help reveal its unique quality as a model text in the beginning of modernist literature. The spirit of the genesis field in Chinese literature developed and formed in classical times, and it mainly refers to the harmonious state of Property, Divinity, and Humanity emphasized by literature as a non-territory cultural phenomenon and its perceptual intuition of life. Baudelaire's “modernity-genesis field” in Les Fleurs du mal reconstructs the relationship of Thing-Person-God after this relationship is broken by industrialization and capitalism. In the Western classical literature dominated by the ontology of metaphysics, this creation of a “modernity-genesis field” penetrates into the veins and bones of modern civilization and creates a new literary style that is filled with internal differences and contradictions. Namely, the discovery of the city's evil in the absolute goodness of anti-metaphysics; the revelation of the anonymity and concealment of the urban masses in the dictatorial authority of the anti-philosopher king; the practice of symbolism in anti-classical and anti-romantic writings—these formed the three dimensions of Baudelaire's genesis field of poetry, political and cultural, which deserve further exploration.
Key words:
- Baudelaire /
- Les Fleurs du mal /
- other edge of literature /
- “modernity-genesis f?ield”
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