Nationalist and Anti-Nationalist Feminist Discourses in Late Imperial China
摘要: 随着西方性别平等理念在晚清的广泛传播和女性教育的兴起,女权主义的发展和影响力前所未有。支持国家主义的秋瑾是那个时代最著名的女权主义者。学术界普遍认为中国早期的女权主义带有浓厚国家主义色彩,而且女性解放运动从属于国家解放运动。此论述没有考虑到何震支持的无政府女权主义。秋瑾宣传的国家女权主义和何震持有的无政府女权主义揭示了女性、国家和世界的关系。秋瑾和何震女权主义思想的比较研究展示了早期中国女权主义的内部矛盾,解释了中国女权思想的后续发展。本研究旨在展现晚清中国时期早期女权主义的全面、多元景观。Abstract: With the spread of Western ideals that valorize gender equality and the popularization of women's education in late imperial China, feminism advanced with unprecedented impact. Qiu Jin 秋瑾 (1877-1907), who espoused nationalism, became the most famous feminist in that era. Previous scholarship has popularly understood early Chinese feminism as nationalistic and acknowledged the subordination of women's liberation movements to the project of national emancipation. This well-known assertion does not take into consideration the anarcho-feminism championed by He Zhen何震 (1886-1920?). The nationalist feminist discourse advocated by Qiu Jin and the emerging anarcho-feminist discourse endorsed by He Zhen reveal essential truths about the relationship between woman, state, and the larger world. A comparative study of Qiu Jin and He Zhen's feminist thought illuminates the internal conflicts and insights inside early Chinese feminism and is explicative of the ensuing evolution of Chinese feminist thought. This study aims to present the panoramic and pluralistic landscape of early Chinese feminism in late imperial China.
Key words:
- anarchism /
- Chinese feminism /
- nationalism /
- He Zhen /
- Qiu Jin
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