张西平:《中国文化的世界性意义-以启蒙思想与中国文化关系为视角》,《国际比较文学》2019年第2卷第3期,第411-427页。[ZHANG Xiping,"Zhongguo wenhua de shijiexing yiyi-yi qimeng sixiang yu Zhongguo wenhua guanxi wei shijiao"(The Global Significance of Chinese Culture:From the Perspective of Relations between the Enlightenment and Chinese Culture),Guoji bijiaowenxue (International Comparative Literature) 2,no.3 (2019):411-27.]
刘耘华:《欧洲启蒙思想与中国文化有何相干?-就一个学界热点问题回应张西平先生》,《国际比较文学》2019年第2卷第3期,第428-441页。[LIU Yunhua,"Ouzhou qimeng sixiang yu Zhongguo wenhua youhe xianggan?-jiu yige xuejie redian wenti huiying Zhang Xiping xiansheng"(Does European Enlightenment Have to Do with Chinese Culture?-A Response to Prof.ZHANG Xiping),Guoji bijiaowenxue (International Comparative Literature) 2,no.3 (2019):428-41.]
夏可君:《无用的文学-卡夫卡与中国》,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2020年。[XIA Kejun,Wuyong de wenxue-Kafuka yu Zhongguo (Useless Literature:Kafka and China),Guilin:Guangxi Normal University Press,2020.]
范劲:《〈肉蒲团〉事件与中国文学的域外发生》,《中国比较文学》,2019年第3期,第123-139页。[FAN Jin,"Rou Putuan shijian yu Zhongguo wenxue de yuwai fasheng"(The Rou Pu Tuan Event and the Origin of Chinese Literature Overseas),Zhongguo bijiaowenxue (Comparative Literature in China) 3 (2019):123-39.]
范劲:《世界文学家孔子:德国文学史系统的孔子塑造》,《社会科学》2020年第6期,第180-191页。[FANJin,"Shijie wenxuejia Kongzi:Deguo wenxueshi xitong de Kongzi suzao"(Confucius as a Writer of World Literature:Presentations of Confucius in the Literary History System in Germany),Shehui kexue (Social Sciences) 6 (2020):180-91.]
刘耘华:《中国绘画的跨文化观看-以弗朗索瓦·朱利安的中国画论研究为个案》,《文艺理论研究》2020年第2期,第34-45页。[LIU Yunhua,"Zhongguo huihua de kuawenhua guankan-yi Fulangsuowa·Zhulian de Zhongguo hualun yanjiu wei gean"(The Cross-Cultural Perspective to Survey Chinese Literati Paintings in François Jullien's Study of Chinese Painting Theories),Wenyi lilun yanjiu (Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art) 2(2020):34-45.]
姚达兑:《诺贝尔文学奖与制造世界文学》,《文艺理论研究》2020年第3期,第131-138页。[YAO Dadui,"Nuobeier wenxuejiang yu zhizao shijiewenxue"(The Nobel Prize for Literature and the Making of World Literature),Wenyi lilun yanjiu (Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art) 3 (2020):131-38.]
彭倩:《文学场域中的权力与象征资本-莫言在意大利的传播与接受》,《中国比较文学》2020年第3期,第105-120页。[PENG Qian,"Wenxue changyu zhong de quanli yu xiangzheng ziben-Mo Yan zai Yidali de chuanbo yu jieshou"(Power and Symbolic Capital in the Field of Literature:The Reception of Mo Yan in Italy),Zhongguo bijiaowenxue (Comparative Literature in China) 3 (2020):105-20.]
吴赟,顾忆青:《中国网络文学在英语世界的译介:内涵、路径与影响》,《中国比较文学》2019年第3期,第66-79页。[WU Yun,GU Yiqing,"Zhongguo wangluo wenxue zai yingyu shijie de yijie:neihan,lujing yu yingxiang"(Online Translation of Chinese Internet Literature in the English-Speaking World:Connotations,Paths and Influences),Zhongguo bijiaowenxue (Comparative Literature in China) 3 (2019):66-79.]
钱婉约:《内藤湖南的中国学》,北京:九州出版社,2020年。[QIAN Wanyue,Neiteng Hunan de Zhongguoxue(The Sinological Studies of NaitōKonan),Beijing:Jiuzhou Press,2020.]
王中忱:《现代文学路上的迷途羔羊》,北京:作家出版社,2020年。[WANG Zhongchen,Xiandai wenxue lushang de mitu gaoyang (The Straying Lambs on the Road of Modern Literature),Beijing:Zuojia Press,2020.]
张哲俊:《卧游:中日潇湘八景诗的山水描写与地理信息》,《外国文学评论》2019年第3期,第103-129页。[ZHANG Zhejun,"Woyou:Zhongri xiaoxiang bajing shi de shanshui miaoxie yu dili xinxi"(Travelling While at Repose:Landscape and Geography in Chinese and Japanese Poems on the Eight Scenes of Xiaoxiang),Waiguo wenxue pinglun(Foreign Literature Review) 3 (2019):103-29.]
张哲俊:《绘画与诗歌:瑞溪周凤的〈宴滕王阁图〉》,《北方工业大学学报》2020年第4期,第44-52页。[ZHANG Zhejun,"Huihua yu shige:Ruixi Zhoufeng de Yan tengwangge tu"(Painting and Poetry:Painting of Banquet in Pavilion of Prince Teng by Zuikei Syuuhou),Beifang gongye daxue xuebao (Journal of North China University of Technology) 4 (2020):44-52.]
崔雄权:《传承与变异:韩国"归去来"图题画诗文的文化美学阐释》,《中国比较文学》2020年第1期,第59-71页。[CUI Xiongquan,"Chuancheng yu bianyi:Hanguo'Guiqulai tu'tihua shiwen de wenhua meixue chanshi"(Inheritance and Changes:Cultural and Aesthetical Interpretations of Korean Writings Accompanying the Painting"Going Home"),Zhongguo bijiaowenxue (Comparative Literature in China) 1 (2020):59-71.]
范晶晶:《何为源文本?谁是译者?如何界定译作?-从译场制度管窥佛经汉译的过程》,《国学学刊》2020年第2期,第97-103页。[FAN Jingjing,"He wei yuanwenben?Shui shi yizhe?Ruhe jieding yizuo?-cong yichang zhidu guankui fojing hanyi de guocheng"(What is the Original Text?Who is the Translator?How to Define a Translation?The Translation of Buddhist Scriptures into Chinese from the Perspective of Translation Workshops),Guoxue xuekan (Journal of Chinese Studies) 2 (2020):97-103.]
姚达兑:《现代的先声:晚清汉语基督教文学》,广州:中山大学出版社,2018年。[YAO Dadui,Xiandai de xiansheng:Wan Qing Hanyu Jidujiao wenxue (The Forerunners of Modernity:Christian Literature in Late-Qing China),Guangzhou:Zhongshan University Press,2018.]
赵晓阳:《域外资源与晚清语言运动:以〈圣经〉中译本为中心》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,2019年。[ZHAOXiaoyang:Yuwai ziyuan yu Wan Qing yuyan yundong:yi Shengjing zhongyiben wei zhongxin (Overseas Resources and the Late-Qing Language Movement:With a Focus on the Chinese Translations of the Bible),Beijing:Beijing Normal University Press,2019.]
孙柏:《十九世纪的西方演剧和晚清国人的接受视野-以李石曾编撰之〈世界〉画刊第二期〈演剧〉为例》,《文艺研究》2019年第4期,第97-109页。[SUN Bai,"Shijiushiji de Xifang yanju he Wan Qing guoren de jieshou shiye-yi Li Shizeng bianzhuan zhi shijie huakan di er qi yanju weili"(Western Theatre in the Nineteenth Century and the Reception Horizon of Late-Qing Chinese:Taking as an Example the Second Issue on Theatre in the Pictorial Magazine The World Edited by Li Shizeng),Wenyi yanjiu (Literature and Art Studies) 4 (2019):97-109.]
朴银淑:《流亡与书写:殖民地时期来华韩国作家的上海想象》,《中国比较文学》2020年第1期,第17-26页。[PIAO Yinshu:"Liuwang yu shuxie:zhimindi shiqi laihua Hanguo zuojia de Shanghai xiangxiang"(Exile and Writing:Imagination of Shanghai by Korean Writers Who Came to China in the Japanese Colonial Era),Zhongguo bijiaowenxue (Comparative Literature in China) 1 (2020):17-26.]
崔昌竻:《论卜乃夫〈荒漠里的人〉对李范奭口述"自我民族志"的改写》,《中国比较文学》2020年第1期,第27-36页。[CUI Changle,"Lun Bunaifu Huangmo li de ren dui Li Fanshi koushu ziwo minzuzhi de gaixie"(The Rewriting of Lee Beom-seok's Self-Ethnographical Autobiography in Bu Naifu's Man in the Wilderness),Zhongguo bijiaowenxue (Comparative Literature in China) 1 (2020):27-36.]
李俊国、周易:《张爱玲〈相见欢〉英文遗稿的发现与研究》,《中国比较文学》2020年第3期,第150-167页。[LI Junguo,ZHOU Yi,"Zhang Ailing'Xiang Jian Huan'yingwen yigao de faxian yu yanjiu"(Discovery and Study of the Hitherto Unknown English Manuscript of Eileen Chang's"Xiang Jian Huan"),Zhongguo bijiaowenxue (Comparative Literature in China) 3 (2020):150-67.]
陈戎女:《〈安提戈涅〉的中国面相:戏曲新编的策略、路径和意义》,《戏剧》2019年第5期,第60-71页。[CHEN Rongnü,"Antigenie de Zhongguo mianxiang:xiqu gaibian de celue,lujing yu yiyi"(The Chinese Face of Antigone:Strategies,Paths,and Significance of Chinese Opera Adaptations),Xiju (Drama) 5 (2019):60-71.]