赵周宽《"文学民族志"与文学人类学的"人类学性"-文学人类学第八届年会暨学术研讨会侧记》,《国际比较文学》2020年第1期,第179-189页。[ZHAO Zhoukuan,"'Wenxue minzuzhi'yu wenxue renleixue de'renleixuexing'-wenxue renleixue di ba jie nianhui ji xueshu yantao hui ceji"("Literary Ethnography"and"Anthropological Nature"of Literary Anthropology-Sidelights of the 8th Annual Conference and Symposium of Literary Anthropology),Guoji bijiao wenxue (International Comparative Literature) 1 (2020):179-89.]
叶舒宪:《幻想引领人类-从神话信仰到科学崇拜》,文学人类学第八届年会暨学术研讨会(2019,南宁)《会议论文》,第45-47页。[YE Shuxian,"Huanxiang yinling renlei-cong shenhua xinyang dao kexue chongbai"(Fantasy Leads Mankind-From Mythological Belief to Scientific Worship),in Collected Papers of the Annual Conference of the 8th Annual Conference and Symposium of Literary Anthropology,45-47.]
叶舒宪:《玉文化与全景中国》,《百色学院学报》2019年第2期,第1-10页。[YE Shuxian,"Yu wenhua yu quanjing Zhongguo"(Jade Culture and Panoramic China),Baise xueyuan xuebao (Journal of Baise University) 2 (2019):1-10.]
叶舒宪:《万年中国说-大传统理论的历史深度》,《名作欣赏》2019年第22期,第5-14,2页。[YE Shuxian,"Wannian Zhongguo shuo-da chuantong lilun de lishi shendu"(Ten Thousands of Years of China-On the Historical Depth of the Theory of Great Tradition),Mingzuo xinshang (Masterpieces Review) 22 (2019):5-14,2.]
彭兆荣:《农正之政:中国传统农耕社会之"本位"分析》,《河北学刊》2020年第2期,第180-185页。[PENGZhaorong,"Nongzheng zhi zheng:Zhongguo chuantong nonggeng shehui zhi'benwei'fenxi"(An Analysis of the"Root"of Chinese Traditional Agricultural Society),Hebei xuekan (Hebei Academic Journal) 2 (2020):180-85.]
彭兆荣:《乡村振兴战略中"新耕读传家"的家园遗产》,《贵州社会科学》2019年第5期,第56-61页。[PENGZhaorong,"Xiangcun zhenxing zhanlve zhong'xin gengdu chuanjia'de jiayuan yichan"(Heritage of New Version of"Farming and Education"in Revitalization Strategy of Rural Areas),Guizhou shehui kexue (Guizhou Social Sciences) 5(2019):56-61.]
彭兆荣:《我侬我农-中国传统农业的人类学视野》,《学术界》2019年第2期,第103-110,237-239页。[PENG Zhaorong,"Wonong wonong-Zhongguo chuantong nongye de renleixue shiye"(My Emotion,My Agriculture:An Anthropology of Traditional Agriculture in China),Xueshujie (Academics) 2 (2019):103-10,237-39];彭兆荣:《天时、物候与和土:中式农耕文明之圭臬-农业人类学研究系列》,《西北民族研究》2019年第1期,第131-139页。[PENG Zhaorong,"Tianshi wuhou yu hetu:Zhongshi nonggeng wenmingzhi guinie nongye renleixue yanjiu xilie"(The Harmonious Relations of the People with the Nature,the Weather and the Soil:the Basic Rules of Chinese Agriculture Civilization),Xibei minzuyanjiu (Northwestern Journal of Ethnology) 1 (2019):131-39.]
彭兆荣杨娇娇:《乡土的表述永远的秦腔-贾平凹小说〈秦腔〉的人类学解读》,《暨南学报(哲学社会科学)》2019年第4期第2-9页。[PENG Zhaorong,YANG Jiaojiao,"Xiangtu de biaoda yongyuan de qinqiang-Jia Pingwa xiaoshuo qinqiang de renleixue jiedu"(The Everlasting Qinqiang Opera:An Anthropological Interpretation of the Novel Qinqiang Opera by Jia Pingwa),Jinan xuebao zhexue shehui kexue (Jinan Journal[Philosophy and Social Sciences])4(2019):2-9.]
徐新建、孙九霄、李菲:《民俗·遗产·旅游:乡村振兴的实践与思考》,《西北民族研究》2020年第2期,第35-52页。[XU Xinjian,SUN Jiuxiao,LI Fei,"Minsu yichan lvyou:xiangcun zhenxing de shijian yu sikao"(Folk Heritage Tourism:Practice and reflection on rural revitalization),Xibei minzuyanjiu (N.W.Journal of Ethnology) 2 (2020):35-52.]
胡建升:《人文肇元:史前彩陶图像与华夏精神》,《民族艺术》2020年第1期第41-50页。[HU Jiansheng,"Renwen zhaoyuan:shiqian caitao tuxiang yu Huaxia jingshen"(The Origin of Humanism:The Images of Prehistoric Painted Pottery and the Spirit of China),Minzu yishu (National Arts) 1 (2020):41-50.]
李菲:《名实与真实:探索"真实性"议题的本土话语分析框架》,《旅游学刊》2020年第3期第50-61页。[LIFei,"Mingshi yu zhenshi:tansuo'zhenshixing'yiti de bentu huayu fenxi kuangjia"(The Idea of Ming-Shi (名-实) and Authenticity:An Experimental Discourse Analysis on"Authenticity"in Chinese Context),Lvyou xuekan (Tourism Tribune) 3 (2020):50-61.]
唐启翠:《礼器神话:中国礼制话语建构的信仰之根》,《文学人类学研究》2019年第1期。[TANG Qicui,"Liqi shenhua:Zhongguo lizhi huayu jiangou de xinyang zhi gen"(The Myth of Ritual Implement:The Root of Belief in the Construction of Chinese Ritual),Wenxue renleixue yanjiu (Literary Anthropology Studies) 1 (2019).]
李菲,邱硕:《"田野"的再概念化:兼论文学人类学跨学科研究方法的同一性问题》,《民族文学研究》2019年第3期第16-25页。[LI Fei,QIU Shuo,"'Tianye'de zai gainianhua:jianlun wenxue renleixue kua xueke yanjiu fangfa de tongyi xing wenti"(The Reconceptualization of"Field":On the Identity of the Transdisciplinary Method in Literary Anthropology),Minzuwenxue yanjiu (Studies of Ethnic Literature) 3 (2019):16-25.]
谭佳、韩鼎、李川:《早期中国与神话历史研究-关于中国文学人类学"四重证据法"的对话》,《文艺研究》2020年第7期第91-100页。[TAN Jia,HAN Ding,LI Chuan,"Zaoqi Zhongguo yu shenhua lishi yanjiu-guanyu Zhongguo wenxue renlei xue'sichong zhengjufa'de duihua"(A Study of Early China and Mythological History:ADialogue on the"Four Evidences"of Chinese Literary Anthropology),Wenyi yanjiu (Literature&Art Studies) 7 (2020):91-100.]
徐新建:《"缪斯"与"东朗":文学后面的文学》,《文艺理论研究》2018年第1期第21-28页。[XU Xinjian:"'Miusi'yu'Donglang':wenxue houmian de wenxue"(Muses and Dongh Longf:The Literature behind Literatures),Wenyi lilun yanjiu (Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art) 1 (2018):21-28.]
陈晓军:《文学人类学视野里的多民族文学交往与中华民族共同体构建研究前瞻》,《贵州民族报》2020年4月10日第B3版。[CHEN Xiaojun,"Wenxue renleixue shiye li de duominzu wenxue jiaowang yu Zhonghua minzu gongtongti jiangou yanjiu qianzhan"(The Prospect of Multi-Ethnic Literature Communication and the Construction of the Chinese Community from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology),Guizhou minzu bao (Guizhou Ethnic Daily),April 10,2020B3.]
黄玲:《文学人类学的中国实践与中越跨境民族研究》,《文学人类学研究》2018年第1期。[HUANG Ling,"Wenxue renleixue de Zhongguo shijian yu Zhongyue kuajing minzu yanjiu"(Chinese Practice of Literary Anthropology and Cross-Border Ethnic Studies between China and Vietnam),Wenxue renleixue yanjiu (Literature Anthropology Studies)1 (2018).]
程金城、张栋:《文学人类学和丝绸视域中的当代河西走廊文学》,《兰州大学学报》(社会科学版)2020年第1期第124-133页。[CHEN Jincheng,ZHANG Dong,"Wenxue renleixue he sichou shiyu zhong de dangdai hexi zoulang wenxue"(Contemporary Hexi Corridor Literature from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology and the Silk Road),Lanzhou daxue xuebao (Journal of Lanzhou University[Social Sciences]) 1 (2020):124-33.]
杨朴:《中国本土的文化理论建构之路-〈玉石神话信仰与华夏精神〉的创新意义》,《百色学院学报》2019年3期第8-15页。[YANG Pu,"Zhongguo bentu de wenhua lilun jiangou zhi lu-yushi shenhua xinyang yu Huaxia jingshen de chuangxin yiyi"(The Road of Constructing Chinese Local Cultural Theory:The Innovative Significance of Jade Myth Belief and Chinese Spirit),Baise xueyuan xuebao (Journal of Baise University) 3 (2019):8-15.]
金立江:《神话建构文明史》,《中国出版传媒商报》2019年12月17日第9版。[JIN Lijiang,"Shenhua jiangou wenmingshi"(Myth Constructs the History of Civilization),Zhongguo chuban chuanmei shangbao (China Publishing&Media Journal),December 17,2019,9.]
赵周宽:《"闹"中的秩序重建》,《民族艺术》2019年1期第43-52页。[ZHAO Zhoukuan,"'Nao'zhong de zhixu chongjian"(Reconstruction of Order in"Nao"),Minzu yishu (National Arts Bimonthly) 1 (2019):43-52.]
王倩:《汉画像石西王母图像方位模式研究》,镇江:江苏大学出版社,2018。[WANG Qian,Han huaxiangshi Xiwangmu tuxiang fangwei moshi yanjiu (Study on the Orientation Pattern of the Image of the Xiwangmu in the Western Han Dynasty),Zhenjiang:Jiangsu University Press,2018.]
朱海琳:《数字"他者":试析影视文本中的机械形象》,《文学人类学研究》2019年第2期。[ZHU Hailin,:"Shuzi'tazhe':shixi yingshi wenben zhong de jixie xingxiang"(The Digital"Other":An Analysis of the Mechanical Image in the Film and Television Text),Wenxue renleixue yanjiu (Literature Anthropology Studies) 2 (2019).]
叶舒宪:《神话学可以改写历史吗?-从鸿蒙的激活说起》,《中华文化论坛》2020年第1期第40-48,155页。[YE Shuxian,"Shenhuaxue keyi gaixie lishi ma?-cong hongmeng de jihuo shuoqi"(Can Mythology Rewrite History?-A Study with the Case of the Activation of Hongmeng),Zhonghua wenhua luntan (Forum on Chinese Culture) 1(2020):40-48,155.]
黄悦:《试论科幻文学中科学与神话的共生关系》,《贵州社会科学》2020年第4期第39-44页。[HUANGYue,"Shilun kehuan wenxue zhong kexue yu shenhua de gongsheng guanxi"(On the Symbiotic Realtionship between Science and Myth in Science Fiction),Guizhou shehui kexue (Guizhou Social Sciences) 1 (2020):39-44.]
黄悦:《从仿真到虚拟:智能化时代的道德与情感》,《文学人类学研究》2019年第1期。[HUANG Yue,"Cong fangzhen dao xuni:zhinenghua shidai de daode yu qinggan"(From Simulation to Virtual:Morality and Emotion in the Age of Intelligence),Wenxue renleixue yanjiu (Literature Anthropology Studies) 1 (2019).]
徐新建:《数智时代的文学幻想-从文学人类学出发的观察思考》,《文学人类学研究》2019年第1期。[XUXinjian,"Shuzhi shidai de wenxue huanxiang-cong wenxue renleixue chufa de guancha sikao"(On the Literary Imagination in the Age of Artificial Intelligence-From the Perspective of Literary Anthropology),Wenxue renleixue yanjiu(Literature Anthropology Studies) 1 (2019).]