Our Conquest is the Sea of Stars: New Developments of Science Fiction Study in China(2018—2020)
摘要: 2020年间,中国科幻文学研究在前期燎原之势的基础上,又进一步获得了蓬勃发展。各类科幻活动层出不穷,新建了一批科研机构和刊载平台,涌现了大量优秀学术著作和论文,并荣获多项国际大奖。此间有四项突出的成绩:刘慈欣及《三体》研究、资料出版和数据库建设、人工智能议题、对新冠疫情的学术回应。它们不仅证明科幻研究的“破圈”趋势日益明显,更体现出科幻学者对现实社会的人文关怀。Abstract: Between 2018 and 2020, the study of science fiction in China has gained further development on the basis of the “prairie fire” momentum. A number of science fiction activities have been carried out, new research institutions and publication platforms have been established, many excellent academic books and papers have emerged, and several international awards have been won. There are four outstanding achievements: a study on Liu Cixin and The Three-Body Problem,the publication of documents and building of databases, work on the topic of artificial intelligence, and the academic response to the COVID-19 epidemic. These not only prove that the trend of “breaking the circle” in science fiction studies is becoming more and more obvious, but also reflects the humanistic care of science fiction scholars for our society.
[1] 吕超:《从寂寞星火到梦想燎原——中国科幻文学研究概览(2014-2018)》《国际比较文学》,2018年第2期,第301-306页。[LYU Chao,"Cong jimo xinghuo dao mengxiang liaoyuan-Zhongguo kehuan wenxue yanjiu gailan"(From Lonely Spark to Prairie Fire:An Overview of the Study of Science Fiction in China (2014-2018),Guoji bijiao wenxue (International Comparative Literature) 2(2018):301-6.] [2] 官方网址为:http://www.chinawriter.com.cn/404078/index.html, 2020年11月20日检索。 [3] 最后检索时间为2020年10月4日。 [4] 刘慈欣:《流浪地球:刘慈欣获奖作品》,武汉:长江文艺出版社,2008年。[LIU Cixin,Liulang diqiu:Liu Cixing huojiang zuoping (The Wandering Earth:Award-winning Works by Liu Cixin),Wuhan:Yangtze Literary Publishing House,2008.] [5] 吴飞:《生命的深度:〈三体〉的哲学解读》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2019年,第26-27页。[WU Fei,Shengming de shendu:San Ti de zhexue jiedu(The Depth of Life:A Philosophical Interpretation of The Three-Body Problem),Beijing:SDX Joint Publishing Company,2019,26-27.] [6] 官方网址为:http://www.sfjiulong.org/, 2020年11月20日检索。 [7] 吴岩等:《科幻文化产业与学术研究专题》,《科普创作》2019年第4期,第21-51页。[WU Yan et al.,"Kehuan wenhua chanye yu xueshu yanjiu zhuanti"(Science Fiction Culture Industry and Academic Research Topics).Kepu chuangzuo (Science Writing) 4 (2019),21-51.] [8] 四篇文章分别为:张鹇、姜佑怡的《科幻电影和网剧发展简报》、三丰的《中国科幻活动的发展现状-以科幻奖和展会活动为例》、丁卓的《科幻研究综述-基于与科幻相关的硕博学位论文分析》、赵晋的《科幻研究现状分析》。 -

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