王向远:《近四十年来我国"东方文学史"的三种形态及其建构》,《人文杂志》2019年第2期,第1-11页。[WANG Xiangyuan,"Jin sishi nian lai woguo'dongfang wenxueshi'de sanzhong xingtai ji qi jiangou"(The Three Forms and the Construction of"The History of Oriental Literature"in China over the Recent 40 Years),Renwen zazhi (The Journal of Humanities) 2(2019):1-11.]
黎跃进:《丝路域外经典作家、思想家与中国文化-东方研究重大课题论证纲要》,《东方丛刊》2018年第1期,第276-287页。[LI Yuejin,Silu yuwai jingdian zuojia、sixiangjia yu Zhongguo wenhua-dongfang yanjiu zhongda keti lunzheng gangyao(Classical Writers,Thinkers and Chinese Culture in The Perspective of Belt and Road-Outline of Demonstration on Major Topics in Oriental Studies),Dongfang congkan (The Journal of Multicultural Studies of the Orient) 1(2018):276-87.]
张叉、侯传文:《跨文明对话语境下的泰戈尔诗学比较研究-侯传文教授访谈录》,《东方丛刊》2019年第2期,第247-262页。[ZHANG Cha,HOU Chuanwen,"Kuawenhua duihua yujing xia de Tai ge'er shixue bijiao yanjiu(A Comparative Study of R.Tagore's Poetics in the Context of Cross-civilization Dialogue-An Interview with Professor Hou Chuanwen),Dongfang congkan(The Journal of Multicultural Studies of the Orient) 2(2019):247-62.]
黎跃进:《泰戈尔诗学在中国的传播与接受》,《广东社会科学》2019年第1期,第160-169页。[LI Yuejin,"Tai ge'er shixue zai Zhongguo de chuanbo yu jieshou"(The Communication and Reception of R.Tagore's Poetics in China),Guangdong shehui kexue(Social Sciences in Guangdong) 1(2019):160-69.]
张杭萍:《战争半未亡人的精神之恋:川端康成的文学抵抗与妥协》,《外国文学评论》2019年第1期,第62-84页。[ZHANG Hangping,"Zhanzheng ban weiwang ren de jingsheng zhi lian"(Platonic Love of"War Survivors":Resistance in"Anti-Morality"Literature of Kawabata Yasunari),Waiguo wenxue pinglun(Foreign Literature Review) 1(2019):62-84.]
王新新:《战后川端康成文学活动的政治维度探析》,《外国文学》2018年第4期,第33-42页。[WANG Xinxin,"Zhanhou Chuan duan kangcheng wenxue huodong de zhengzhi weidu tanxi"(An Analysis of the Political Dimension of Kawabata Yasunari's Literary Activities after World War),Waiguo wenxue(Foreign Literature) 4(2018):33-42.]
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王向远:《"味"论与东方共同诗学》,《社会科学研究》2020年第2期,第16-26页。[WANG Xiangyuan,"'Wei'lun yu Dongfang gongtong shixue"("Taste"Theory and Oriental Common Poetics),Shehui kexue yanjiu(Social Science Research) 2(2020):16-26.]
刘英军:《此味与彼味-中国与波斯古典诗学味论例说》,《国外文学》2018年第1期,第47-55,157页。[LIU Yingjun,"Ciwei yu biwei-Zhongguo yu Bosi gudian shixue weilun lishuo"(A Comparative Study on the Theories of Flavor in Chinese and Persian Classical Poetics),Guowai wenxue(Foreign Literatures) 1(2018):47-55,157.]
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金柄珉:《中国与周边:中韩近现代文学交流的历史转型与价值重建-兼论韩国近现代文学的主体性与现代性建构》,《中国比较文学》2020年第1期,第2-16页。[JIN Bingmin,"Zhongguo yu zhoubian:Zhong Han jinxiandai wenxue jiaoliu de lishi zhuanxing yu jiazhi chongjian-jianlun Hanguo jinxiandai wenxue de zhutixing yu xiandaixing chongjian"(China and Its Neighbors:Historical Transformation and Value Reconstruction:Research on the Construction of the Subjectivity and Modernity of Korean Modem and Contemporary Literature),Zhongguo bijiao wenxue(Comparative Literature in China) 1(2020):2-16.]
贾岩:《"上演"反法西斯文化同盟:印度人民戏剧协会对中国的文艺借鉴与再现》,《中国语言文学研究》2019年第1期,第190-197页。[JIA Yan,"'Shangyan'fan faxisi wenhua tongmeng:Yindu renmin xiju xiehui dui Zhongguo de wenyi jiejian yu zaixian"("Staging"Anti-Fascist Cultural Alliances:China as a Source of Literary and Artistic Inspiration and Representation for the Indian People's Theatre Association),Zhongguo yuyan wenxue yanjiu(Chinese Language and Literature Study) 1(2019):190-97.]
曾琼:《本土化:中国文学作品的印度传播之路》,《西安外国语大学学报》2019年第2期,第95-98,113页。[ZENG Qiong,"Bentuhua:Zhongguo wenxue zuoping de Yindu chuanbo zhilu"(Localization:How the Chinese Literature Get Spread in India),Xi'an waiguoyu daxue xuebao (Journal of Xi'an International Studies University) 2(2019):95-98,113.]
马峰:《马来西亚、新加坡、印尼华文女作家小说比较研究》,上海:上海三联书店,2020年。[MA Feng,Malaixiya、Xinjiapo、Yinni huawen nüzuojia xiaoshuo bijiao yanjiu(A Comparative Study of Chinese Female Writers'Novels In Malaysia、Singapore and Indonesia),Shanhai:SDX Joint Publishing Company,2020).]
王春景:《艳异故事背后的文化迷茫-民国时期的印度游记〈印度艳异记〉》,《国际比较文学》2018年2期,第249-259页。[WANG Chunjing,"Yanyi gushi beihou de wenhua mimang-minguo shiqi de Yindu youji Yindu yanyiji"(On Fantastic Stories of India:The Cultural Confusion behind the Story),Guoji bijiao wenxue (International Comparative Literature) 2(2018):249-59.]
王升远:《对"明治一代"的追责与"大正一代"的诉求-〈近代文学〉同人战争责任追究的细节考辨》,《外国文学评论》2018年第3期,第103-132页。[WANG Shengyuan,"Dui'Mingzhiyidai'de zhuize yu'Dazhengyidai'de suqiu-Jindaiwenxue tongren zhanzheng zeren zhuijiu de xijie kaobian"(Holding"Meiji Generation to Account and the Appeal of"Taisho Generation"-Detailed Investigation on the Coterie of Modern Literature of Their Responsibility for the War),Waiguo wenxue pinglun(Foreign Literature Review) 3(2018):103-32.]
姜景奎:《现当代印度文学汉译:"水平翻译"与"同一性他者"构建》,《中国语言文学研究》2019年第1期,第180-189页。[JIANG Jingkui,"Xiandangdai Yindu wenxue hanyi:'shuipingfanyi'yu'tongyixing tazhe'jiangou"(The Chinese Translation of Indian Literature in Modern Times:"Horizontal Translation"and the Construction of a"Homogeneous Other"),Zhongguo yuyan wenxue yanjiu(Chinese Language and Literature Study) 1(2019):180-89.]
张忞煜:《〈格比尔百咏〉与格比尔文本传统》,《外国文学》2018年第2期,第31-38页。[ZHANG Minyu,"Ge bi er bai yong yu Ge bi er wenben chuantong"(One Hundred Poems of Kabir and the Kabirian Textual Tradition),Waiguo wenxue(Foreign Literature) 2(2018):31-38.]
孙晓萌、胡燕:《非洲现代文学的语言论争-兼论非洲本土语言文学价值的反思与重构》,《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》2020年第2期,第107-117页。[SUN Xiaomeng,HU Yan,"Feizhou xiandai wenxue de yuyan lunzheng-jianlun Feizhou bentu yuyan wenxue jiazhi de fansi yu chongjian"(Language Debate in Modern African Literature:A Reflection on and Reconstruction of the Value of African Native Language Literature),Zhongguo shehuikexue(Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 2(2020):107-17.]
陈明:《"老鼠噉铁"型故事及图像在古代亚欧的源流》,《西域研究》2018年第4期,第100-116,143页。[CHEN Ming,"'Laoshu dan tie'xing gushi ji tuxiang zai gudai ya'ou de yuanliu"(Folk Stories Like"The Iron-eating Mice":The Origins and Dispersal of Its Texts and Images through Ancient Asia and Europe),Xiyu yanjiu(The Western Regions Studies) 4(2018):100-16,143.]
贾斐:《波斯细密画中的苏非神爱-15世纪内扎米〈蕾莉与马杰农〉手抄本插图研究》,《世界宗教文化》2020,年第4期,第167-174,2页。[JIA Fei,"Bosi ximi hua zhong de Sufei shen ai-15 shiji Nei zha mi Leili yu Majie nong shouchaoben chatu yanjiu"(Sufi Mystic Love in Persian Paintings:Based on 15th Century's Illustrated Laylīand Majnūn of Nizami),Shijie zongjiao wenhua(The World Religious Cultures) 4(2020):167-74,2.]