The Evolution and Social Customs of Monks and Nuns in Narratives of Past Dynasties
摘要: 作为文学形象之一种的僧尼,自出现至今,经历了复杂的演变过程。历代小说文献中,虽然不乏高僧大德的形象,但总体来说,随着时代发展,而僧尼形象的演变基本上是由清雅变世俗,由受人尊敬变得令人不屑乃至厌恶痛恨,特别是明清时代,淫僧恶尼屡见不鲜。他们的恶习恶行,不仅败坏了山门,也危害了社会。文学作品中僧尼形象的恶变,究其因,不外乎人性之恶和社会风习之恶的相互影响、合力作用所致。对历代小说特别是明清小说之僧尼形象恶变轨迹的探索,以及恶变原因的分析,有着深层的文学史意义和积极的社会学意义。Abstract: Literary images of monks and nuns have gone through a complex process of evolution since their emergence.Although there is no lack of images of eminent and virtuous monks past dynastic narratives,generally speaking,the images of monks and nuns have gradually changed from noble and unsullied to secular,from being respectful to disdainful and even hateful.Especially in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties,licentious monks and nuns were common.Their bad habits and behaviors not only corrupted the monastery,but also harmed society.The evil change of images of monks and nuns in literary works is due to the mutual influence and joint action of innate human evil and the evil of social customs.By exploring the evil transformation trajectory of monks and nuns in the narratives of past dynasties,especially the narratives of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties,and analyzing the causes of these changes,this article has profound significance on literary history and a positive sociological effect.
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