Eternity, Ego and Nature: An Analysis of the Theme of Nostalgia in The Journey to the East from the Religious Ideas of Eliade
摘要: 《东方之旅》被认为是黑塞的重要转型之作,但由于运用了大量的密码式语言、象征和隐喻,其思想主旨与诸多细节都显得十分晦涩,历来争议颇多。本文立足于黑塞与伊利亚德在思想倾向、文化立场等方面的相似性,以后者的相关宗教理念为参照,对《东方之旅》的乡愁主题进行尝试性的解析。在伊利亚德看来,宗教传达着人类对于完美的神话乐园之乡愁;虽然传统宗教在现代世界走向了衰落,但“乐园的乡愁”却在现代文化与文学艺术中得到大量的遗存。结合黑塞其他代表性作品来看,《东方之旅》中的乡愁包含“永恒”“自我”“自然”三个维度,与伊利亚德所言“乐园的乡愁”形成了诸多层面的呼应。具体而言:东方之旅既是人类克服时间性存在、寻归永恒家园的精神之旅,也是个体克服对极性存在、追寻整全自我的象征之旅,还是人类克服其与自然的对抗、恢复原初和谐的乌托邦之旅。虽然黑塞主要将克服现代精神危机的希望寄于艺术,但其对危机根源及克服危机之途的思考均带有浓郁的宗教底色,始终在艺术与宗教之间游移。就此而言,在《东方之旅》和黑塞此前作品之间并不存在截然的断裂,而是表现出明显的延续性。在伊利亚德宗教理论视阈中考量《东方之旅》,不仅有助于澄明作品中的诸多隐晦细节,也有可能为黑塞其他作品的研究提供一个整体性的参照。Abstract: The Journey to the East is regarded as an important transformational work for Hermann Hesse. For long, due to the use of cryptic language, symbols, and metaphors, the subject and many details of the book are ambiguous and controversial. Given the similarities between Hesse and Eliade in ideological inclination and cultural standpoint, this paper analyzes the theme of nostalgia in The Journey to the East in the light of Eliade's relevant theories of religion. For Eliade, religions convey a nostalgia of human beings for the perfect mythical paradise. Although traditional religions have faded in the modern world,the nostalgia for paradise as a heritage has been preserved in modern culture,literature, and art. Combining with other representative works of Hesse, the theme of nostalgia in The Journey to the East contains three dimensions—eternity, ego, and nature—echoing the nostalgia for paradise described by Eliade on many levels. To be specific, the novel describes man's spiritual journey to conquer temporal existence and search for an eternal home, as well as the individual's symbolic journey to overcome the existence of polarity and pursue the whole ego. At the same time, it is also a utopian journey of human beings surmounting the confrontation with nature and recovering their original harmony. Although Hesse was inclined to place his hope of overcoming modern spiritual crisis mainly in the arts, his thoughts,in the case of the root of crisis and the way of overcoming the crisis, contained a deep religious background. It was, all the time, wavering between arts and religion.Thus, there exists an evident continuity between The Journey to the East and his earlier works. This interpretation of The Journey to the East from the perspective of Eliade's religious theory helps to not only clarify many blurred details in the work,but also to provide a holistic reference for studying Hesse's other works.
Key words:
- The Journey to the East /
- nostalgia for paradise /
- eternity /
- ego /
- nature
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