How Should Humanity Face All Organisms after the Covid-19 Pandemic: Rereading Wang Jinkang's Grade Four Panic
摘要: 当下,在世界各地人们仍在与新冠病毒持续做着斗争。这不仅仅是代表人类智慧的科学领域与新冠病毒的战斗,同时也是涵盖政治经济等领域的整个人类文明做出的抗争。从古至今,人们在文学作品中曾多次描写过各种传染病,这些作品描述了发生瘟疫之后,人类是如何与病毒抗争,以及人类自身的或良善或愚蠢的行为。新型冠状病毒爆发之前,将病毒与人类视作两个物种去相提并论,并从哲学角度剖析了二者之间关系的文学作品,管见所及之内,仅有王晋康的科幻小说《四级恐慌》。在新型冠状病毒仍在世界范围内肆虐之际,我们人类应该思考的正是这部作品所提出的“人类有无权利擅自判决哪个物种是敌对物种,并褫夺它们在自然界生存的权利”的终极问题。Abstract: Today, the entire world continues to fight the spread of COVID-19.This is a scientific battle between the virus and human intelligence, and touches all aspects of human civilization, including politics and economics. Infectious diseases have often been depicted in literature, through stories about how humanity fights against viruses and how people act toward each other(including foolish behavior) during a pandemic. However, perhaps only one book treats viruses as living organisms on the same level as humans and philosophically questions the relationship between them:Wang Jinkang's science fiction novel Grade Four Panic.During this COVID-19 pandemic, one question raised in the book deserves some consideration:"Does humanity have the right to arbitrarily decide which organisms are hostile to humanity and deprive them of their right to live in nature?"
Key words:
- COVID-19 /
- pandemic literature /
- Wang Jinkang, Grade Four Panic /
- biodiversity
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