Symphony and the Change of Symbolist Literature's Structural Pattern
摘要: 法国文学从古典主义时期到18世纪末期,基本上使用的是理性的结构模式,这种模式关注语言的陈述功能。19世纪以来西方文化界普遍对自我有了新的认识,旧有的理性的结构模式在很多文学家看来,已经无法适应复杂的、深奥的自我意识。法国象征主义理论家威泽瓦利用瓦格纳的交响乐形式,一方面建议把文学变成无意识的音乐,这带来了非理性的结构模式,另一方面主张理性的结构模式与新的非理性的结构模式的综合。马拉美和迪雅尔丹分别在诗和小说中实验了这种综合的做法。交响乐不仅带来象征主义文学结构模式的嬗变,而且让新的模式成为整个西方现代文学的原型。Abstract: From the Classicist period to the end of the eighteenth century, the rational structural pattern dominated French literature. With the new understanding of the self that Western cultural circles developed, the old rational structural pattern, in the views of many writers, did not correspond to a complex, deep conception of the self. Téodor de Wyzewa, A French symbolist critic, inspired by Richard Wagner's symphonies, decided to turn literature into unconscious music which brought about an irrational structural pattern, and then combine this irrational structural pattern with the rational one. Stéphane Mallarmé and Édouard Dujardin experimented respectively in their poems and novels with this new synthesis. Wyzewa's synthesis not only changed the symbolist structural pattern, but also framed the prototype for modern Western literature.
Key words:
- symphony /
- symbolism /
- literary structural pattern /
- Té /
- odor de Wyzewa
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