Mu Xin's Tribute to Goethe
摘要: 木心是一位不断创新的作家。他在美学尺度上借鉴了全球性的话语和意象。通过其作品当中灵巧多变的笔触,我们可以看到他极其广博的兴趣愿景和不受局限的精湛文风。木心的《魏玛早春》以散文诗向歌德致敬,并阐释艺术创造和大自然的创造和谐相通的歌德式主题。本文带领我们重温歌德的《浮士德》和《植物变形记》,回顾歌德关于现代化的思考、艺术和科学感知一体的自然观,以及他对植物变形的独特研究,并在此基础上,解读《魏玛早春》如何以不同而同的匀称结构,以遐想中的低声吟咏,在植物和自然笼罩的神圣气象中,礼赞歌德所代表的广义的艺术观。本文着重指出,木心以“植物性”比喻文化艺术,回应着歌德思想的深层境界。Abstract: Mu Xin 木心(1927-2011) is a writer who constantly innovates by drawing on discourses and images of globality on an aesthetic scale. Through his flexible, ever changing touches, we see his extremely diversified visions of interest and unrestricted, superb writing style."Weimar in Early Spring," a prose poem, is Mu Xin's tribute to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and to the divine correspondence between human creativity and nature's creativity, which is a Goethean theme. The article briefly reviews Goethe's Faust and The Metamorphosis of Plants to explore Goethe's reflections on modernization and his philosophy of nature, which organically integrates his artistic sensibility and scientific sensibility. With the review of Goethe as a comparative foundation, the article further provides a detailed explication of "Weimar in Early Spring," with emphasis on its symmetrically balanced form, its cultivated whispering power, and the sacred aura of nature that celebrates a profound view of art as embodied by Goethe.
Key words:
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe /
- Mu Xin /
- Faust /
- The Metamorphosis of Plants /
- “Weimar in Early Spring” /
- prose poetry
[1] Berman, Marshall. All That Is Solid Melts into Air:The Experience of Modernity. New York:Penguin, 1982. [2] Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. The Metamorphosis of Plants. Introduction and photography by Gordon L. Miller.Cambridge, MA.:The MIT Press, 2009. [3] ——.Faust.Translated by Walter Arnd.2nd criticaled.New York:Norton, 2001. [4] ——.Goethe's Botanical Writings.Translated by Bertha Mueller.Honolulu:University of Hawai' i, 1952;reprinted by Ox Bow Press, 1989. [5] ——.Italian Journey.London:Penguin, 1962. [6] ——. "The Metamorphosisof Plants:Poem." In The Metamorphosisof Plants.Cambridge, MA:The MITPress, 1790. [7] Heine, Heinrich. "Heine's Visit to Goethe." Translated into English by Stern and Snodgrass. Bartleby. com, [8] Miller, Gordon L. "Introduction." In The Metamorphosis of Plants by Goethe. Cambridge, MA:The MIT Press, 2009, xv-xxxi. [9] Mu Xin. "Weimar in Early Spring." In An Empty Room:Stories. Translated by Toming Jun Liu. New York:New Directions, 2011, 99-106. [10] ——.An Empty Room:Stories.Translated by Toming Jun Liu.New York:New Directions, 2011. [11] Pollan, Michael. The Botany of Desire:A Plant's Eye View of the World. New York:Random House, 2002. [12] Wordsworth, William. "Preface to Lyrical Ballads." In The Critical Tradition:Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends. Edited by David H. Richter. 3rd ed. Boston:Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007, 306-18. [13] 木心:《魏玛早春》, 载《豹变》, 桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2017年, 第141-147页。[Mu Xin. "Weima zaochun" (Weimar in Early Spring). In Bao bian(Transformation of a Leopard). Guilin:Guangxi Normal University Press, 2017, 141-47.] [14] ——:《温莎墓园日记》, 载《豹变》。桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2017年, 第185-201页。[——. "Wensha muyuan riji" (The Windsor Cemetery Diary). In Bao bian(Transformation of a Leopard). Guilin:Guangxi Normal University Press, 2017, 185-201.] [15] ——:《仲夏开轩》, 载《鱼丽之宴》。桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2007年, 第59-76页。[——. "Zhongxia kai xuan" (AMidsummer Conversation). In Yuli zhi yan(The Most Splendid Symposium). Guilin:Guangxi Normal University Press, 2007, 59-76.]
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