New Vision and New Practice of the Impact Studies of Comparative Poetics
摘要: 比较诗学是比较文学学科的重要分支,在研究路径上分为平行研究与影响研究。从学界现有的研究成果来看,比较诗学平行研究已见成效,但比较诗学影响研究却基本上没有展开。缺乏对比较诗学影响研究之实证价值的重视,是当前比较诗学研究的一个严重不足。本文认为,重新考量比较诗学影响关系研究的价值十分必要,应当重新挖掘比较诗学的研究范围,尤其应该强调中国诗学西方化研究的重要性。事实上,西方现代诗学受到了中国诗学的显著影响,然而,现有比较诗学研究成果,均侧重于西方对中国的影响,即西方诗学的中国化,而尚未深入探究中国诗学对西方诗学的影响,即中国诗学的西方化。所以,本文运用实证变异理论研究中西诗学之间的同源和变异关系,探究中西诗学话语的他国化,尤其是中国诗学的西方化;研究中国文学思想如何影响西方思想,并成为西方文论发展进程的一个变异形态,并将这一研究方向作为一个新领域、新视野展开。以中国文化对马丁·海德格尔、雅克·德里达和埃兹拉·庞德的影响为例,阐述中国文化对西方哲学、诗学的影响,探讨比较文学变异学理论下的中西诗学影响变异,尤其是中国思想对西方文论的影响和变异,以推进对中西文明互鉴颇有价值的比较诗学实证影响研究。Abstract: As an important branch of comparative literature, comparative poetics is divided into parallel studies and impact studies in terms of research paths. From the existing research results in the academic field, the parallel studies of comparative poetics have been effective, but the results of impact studies of comparative poetics are lacking. The lack of attention to the empirical value of impact studies is a serious shortcoming of current comparative poetics. This paper argues that it is necessary to reconsider the study of poetic influence relations. This paper re-examines the scope of comparative poetics and emphasizes the importance of research on the Sinicization of Western poetics. In fact, modern Western poetics has been influenced by Chinese poetics; however, the existing research results in comparative poetics have focused on the influence of the West on China, i.e., the Westernization of Chinese poetics, but have not yet delved into the study of the influence of China on Western poetics, i.e., the Sinicization of Western poetics. Therefore, this paper develops as a new field and vision the study of how Chinese literary thought influenced Western thought and became a variant form of the development process of Western literary theory. Taking the influence of Chinese culture on Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida and Ezra Pound as examples, it elaborates the influence of Chinese culture on Western philosophy and poetics, explores the variation of influence under the theory of comparative literary variation, and demonstrates the best empirical study cases on the mutual appreciation of Chinese andWestern civilizations.
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