On Takeuchi Yoshimi, Who Failed to Understand China as the All-under-Heaven World: A Comparative Study with Takeda Taijun
摘要: 竹内好和他的同事武田泰淳代表了对中国文学和文化的两种独特理解。虽然他们都试图通过中国来反思现代日本文化,但他们在对灭绝论(武田)或末世论(竹内)的解读上却决然分道扬镳。本文通过比较竹内对鲁迅的解读和武田对司马迁的解读,试图找出这两位影响深远的思想家在对待近代中国和近代日本的态度上的差异,并阐明他们对两国文化-政治关系的不同表述。武田把中日关系比作汉匈关系,归结起来是一种即便在历史上不可复制也可谓命中注定的关系,而竹内和他笔下的《鲁迅》则坚决认为前者为一种非关系型的关系,一种超出预期的关系,一种强烈意义上的末世论关系。Abstract: Takeuchi Yoshimi and his colleague, Takeda Taijun, represent two idiosyncratic understandings of Chinese literature and culture.While both of them attempt to reflect upon modern Japanese culture via China, they decisively part ways from each other in their readings of extinction(in Takeda) or eschatology(in Takeuchi). Through a comparison of Takeuchi's interpretation of Lu Xun and Takeda's interpretation of Sima Qian, this essay attempts to work out the difference between these two influential thinkers in their attitudes towards modern China and modern Japan, clarifying their different formulations of the cultural-political relationship between the two countries. While Takeda makes an analogy between the China-Japan relationship and the Xiongnu-Han Dynasty relationship, which boils down to a relationship deprived of alterity, a relationship that is determinable if not repeatable, Takeuchi, along with his Lu Xun, insists upon a relationship that is nonrelational, a relationship that lies beyond expectation, that is eschatological in a strong sense.
Key words:
- Takeuchi Yoshimi /
- Takeda Taijun /
- Lu Xun /
- Sima Qian
[1] (日)磯田光一:《増補 武田泰淳研究》,東京:筑摩書房,1980年。 [2] [ISODA,Kōichi. Zōho Takeda Taijun kenkyū(An Enlarged Edition of Researches on Takeda Taijun). Tokyo:Chikuma shobō,1980.] [3] (日)武田泰淳:《武田泰淳全集》第11、12巻,東京:筑摩書房,1971、1972年。 [4] [TAKEDA,Taijun. Takeda Taijun Zenshū(The CompleteWorks of Takeda Taijun). Vols.11,12. Tokyo:Chiku ma Shobō,1971,1972.] [5] (日)竹内好:《中国の近代と日本の近代》,《日本とアジア》,東京:筑摩書房,1993年,第1~48頁。 [6] [TAKEUCHI,Yoshimi“. Chūgoku no kindai to Nihon no kindai”(Chinese Modernity and Japanese Modernity). [7] In TakeuchiYoshimi,Nihon to Ajia(Japan andAsia). Tokyo:Chikuma Shobō,1993,1-48.] [8] ———.《日本人の中国観》,《竹内好全集》,東京:筑摩書房,1980年,第3~15頁。 [9] [———“. Nihonjin no Chūgokukan”(The Image of China for Japanese People). In Takeuchi Yoshimi Zenshū(The CompleteWorks of TakeuchiYoshimi). Tokyo:Chikuma shobō,1980,3-15.] [10] ———.《『武田泰淳全集』第9巻解説》,《竹内好全集》第12巻,東京:筑摩書房,1980年,第148~161頁。 [11] [———“. Takeda Taijun zenshū dai 9 kan kaisetsu”(ACommentary on the Complete Works of Takeda Taijun, [12] vol. 9). In Takeuchi Yoshimi Zenshū(The CompleteWorks of TakeuchiYoshimi). Vol. 12. Tokyo:Chikuma shobō,1980,148-61.] [13] ———.《魯迅》,東京:未来社,1961年。 [14] [———. Rojin(Lu Xun). Tokyo:Miraisha,1961.] -

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