The Advancement of Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature in China
当今面对新科技革命和产业变革的机遇与挑战,“新文科”建设提上日程,学科的深度融合成为当务之急,文学学科在这一趋势下承担着较重要的历史使命,在新设的“交叉学科”门类下文学参与学科培养,因此文学跨学科研究的重要性愈发得到彰显。在此背景下,回顾我国文学跨学科研究的历程具有重要现实意义。我国文学跨学科研究自从西方现代学科体系引进之日便已经展开,经历20世纪80年代的跨学科热潮后,在 21 世纪初跨学科研究实践得到深入推进。以文学与科学、宗教、心理学、建筑为例,我国近四十年涌现出许多文学跨学科研究案例。总体而言,已往的文学跨学科研究主要有“文学与X”及“文学X学”两种范式。与跨学科研究推进如影随形的是跨学科是否有损于文学本体的焦虑,但是学界也发出“文学艺术研究无界”的呐喊。正视文学生存方式的变化,则研究者更是有义务去跳出观念上的各种设限,在社会语境中直面文学。既然某一学科只是整体社会系统中的一部分内容,那么当我们坚持整体性研究时,就有必要将所谓文学置于社会系统中去考量,而不是置社会整体不顾,人为地划出所谓文学与非文学的界限。另外,我国文学跨学科研究除了研究实践的深入推进,也需要思考学生培养机制的适时调整。
Abstract:In the face of the opportunities and challenges of the new scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformations, the construction of a"new liberal arts"has been put on the agenda, and the in-depth integration of disciplines has become a top priority. In this trend, the discipline of literature assumes a more important historical mission. Under the newly established"interdisciplinary disciplines, "which is a discipline category, literature participates in discipline training, so the importance of the interdisciplinary study of literature is increasingly highlighted. Therefore, it is of great significance to review the history of interdisciplinary research in Chinese literature. Since the introduction of the modern Western discipline system, interdisciplinary research in Chinese literature began, experienced the interdisciplinary boom of the 1980 s, and was further promoted at the beginning of 21 st century. Taking literature and science, religion, psychology and architecture as examples, many interdisciplinary studies of literature have emerged in the past 40 years. On the whole, the existing interdisciplinary research of literature has two paradigms, "Literature and X"and"Literature X studies. "Along with the promotion of interdisciplinary research, there is anxiety about whether interdisciplinary research is harmful to literary ontology, but there is also the claim"no boundaries in literature and art research. "Facing up to the changes in the way of literature's existence, researchers have the obligation to escape all kinds of limitations in the concept and face literature in the social context. Since a certain discipline is only a part of the whole social system, when we insist on holistic research, it is necessary to consider literature within the social system, rather than ignoring the whole of society by artificially drawing boundaries between the so-called literary and non-literary. In addition to the deepening of research practice, the interdisciplinary study of Chinese literature also needs to think about the timely adjustment of student training mechanisms
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