Martin Luther and Western Liberalism
马丁·路德(Martin Luther,1483-1546)不仅仅是一个宗教改革家,然而汉语学术界却只把他当成一位宗教改革家,这是非常狭隘化的理解。路德还是一位社会、文化、特别是思想史的改革家。当然,他亦对政治产生非常大的影响。中世纪的结束和近现代的开启时间有多种说法,笔者强调路德及其在1517年的宗教改革是现代性的真正开启。为了研究欧洲思想史特别是近现代的本质,本文聚焦路德及其开启的宗教改革在其中的地位和影响,主要从思想史的发展角度来看路德,认为马丁·路德是“现代性”(Modernity)的真正开启者。为了探讨路德与西方自由主义之间的关系,首先界定了“自由”和“自由主义”及其与“主体性、现代性”等核心概念之间的关系。然后从西方思想史的三重划分研究了路德在其中的地位和独特贡献及其对于汉语语境的意义。路德与启蒙运动的密切关系及西方自由主义对路德的继承和背离之研究,构成了本文的核心。最后反思了当代自由主义的优劣长短,得出自由主义研究必须重新重视路德的结论。
Abstract:Martin Luther(1483-1546) was not merely a religious reformer, but the Chinese academic community has only regarded him as a religious reformer, which is quite a parochial understanding. Luther was also a reformer in social, cultural and especially intellectual history. Of course, he also had an immense influence on politics. There are multiple theories concerning the closing of the Middle Ages and the advent of modern times. The author holds that Luther and his Reformation in 1517 mark the actual commencement of modernity. In order to study the nature of European intellectual history, especially in modern times, this paper focuses on the position and influence of Luther and his religious Reform. In order to explore the relationship between Martin Luther and Western liberalism, after defining concepts such as freedom/liberty and liberalism and their relationship to subjectivity and modernity, I analyze Luther's status and special contributions to the three stages of Western intellectual history;his significance for the Chinese context is also examined. The study of how has Luther been accepted and rejected in Western intellectual history forms the major part of this article. In conclusion, by reflecting contemporary liberalism, the article emphasizes that Martin Luther is crucially important to the study of Western Liberalism
Key words:
- Martin Luther /
- freedom/liberty /
- liberalism /
- subjectivity /
- Stuart John Mill /
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