Searching for the Source of the Mechanical Body in French Thought: From Descartes to La Mettrie to Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
摘要: “身体”一直是西方哲学与思想史中的重要议题。在二元论的对立原则下,身体仅仅是灵魂的附属,并随着西方科学的不断发展,逐渐沦为机械论的产物,而机械论身体观也催生了形形色色的当代科幻叙事对身体的重构。本文将梳理出一条机械身体观在西方思想史尤其在法国哲学中的发展脉络:从中世纪解剖学对身体的基本认知到笛卡尔机械论的核心观点“身心二元论”,再到18世纪法国医生拉·美特里所提出的观点“人是机器”,最后在19世纪法国作家利尔·亚当的小说《未来夏娃》中找寻对于机械论身体观的科幻书写,并探讨在新的数字技术时代之下,机械论身体观对未来人类身心关系与身体存在图景诸种可能的预设与影响。Abstract: “The body” has always been an important topic in Western philosophy and intellectual history. Under the principle of dualism, the body is only a supplement to the soul, and with the continuous development of Western science, it has gradually become a product of mechanistic theory. The mechanistic view of the body has also given rise to various contemporary science fiction narratives that reconstruct the body. This article will outline the development of the mechanistic view of the body in Western thought, especially in French philosophy:from the basic understanding of the body in medieval anatomy to Descartes' core view of "mind-body dualism" in mechanistic theory, to the view proposed by 18th century French doctor La Mettrie that "man is a machine," and finally to the science fiction writing on the mechanistic view of the body in Lilian Adam's novel "Future Eve" in 19th century France. It will explore the preset and impact of the mechanistic view of the body on the future human mind-body relationship and the possible existence of the body in the new era of digital technology.
Key words:
- mechanism /
- the body conception /
- medieval anatomy /
- Descartes /
- La Mettrie /
- Tomorrow's Eve
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