Colonial Elites and the Pursuit of Sinology: Literary Translation of Transactions of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in Hong Kong(1847-1859)
摘要: 香港早期的皇家亚洲文会中国支会及其会报罕为人知,却是在华英国汉学最早的学术尝试。该支会由当时殖民地政府赞助发起,且由香港总督充任会长,发起于第二任港督兼汉学家德庇时的支持,衰落于第四任港督翻译家包令的离任。该支会会报折射出英国汉学首次在华殖民地的建制性探索,其中文学翻译更是体现英国汉学切合现实需求的实用主义传统。三位译者的殖民地官员身份势必影响其翻译动机与译介策略。首席裁判司奚礼尔对《大学》的文学性重译,侧重于社会管治的文化挪用策略;商务总监汉文正使麦华陀以知识考古的策略,翻译古埃及墓葬瓷瓶铭文上的汉文诗句,参与当时汉学界对此话题的讨论;香港总督包令采用自由主义的多元策略英译林则徐的流戍诗,以诗史结合的方式向英国人全面介绍这位伟大的中国政治家与文学家,力求以文学翻译达到文化沟通,纠正英国人对中国的民族偏见。考察该会报所涉三个文学翻译案例,可知作为当时殖民精英的译者不但意在服务殖民管治、参与汉学对话与帝国情报,而且客观上也推动香港殖民地汉学进入亚洲文会的帝国学术网络。由此,会报刊载文学译介这种知识生产的制度化,配合殖民精英的翻译策略与汉学追求,衍生出对中国文学传播的历史性理解。Abstract: The China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society and its Transactions in Hong Kong's early days have been neglected for a long time,but they are the earliest academic attempts of British Sinology in China. The society was sponsored by the colonial government,and was chaired by the Governors of Hong Kong. It was initiated with the support of the second governor,sinologist John Francis Davis,and then declined after the departure of the fourth governor,translator John Bowring. The Transaction of the branch reflects the institutional exploration of British Sinology in China for the first time,in which literary translation is a pragmatic tradition that reflects the practical needs of British Sinology. The colonial official status of the three translators inevitably affected their different motives and strategies for translation. The literary re-translation of Daxue by the Chief Magistrate,Charles Batten Hillier,focuses on the cultural diversion strategy of social governance. With the strategy of knowledge archaeology,the Chinese Secretary of the Chief Superintendent,Walter Henry Medhurst,Jr.,translated the Chinese verse on the porcelain from an ancient Egyptian tomb,and participated in the discussion of this topic in the Sinology circle at that time. The Governor of Hong Kong,John Bowring,translated Lin Zexu's poems of exile into English with a liberal and pluralistic strategy,comprehensively introduced the great Chinese statesman and writer to the British by way of combining poetry and history,striving to achieve cultural communication through literary translation and correct Britain's national prejudice against China. By investigating the three literary translation cases involved in the Transaction,it can be seen that the translators of the colonial elite are not only intended to serve colonial governance and participate in Sinology dialogue and imperial intelligence,but also to objectively promote Hong Kong's colonial Sinology into the imperial academic network of the Royal Asiatic Society. In brief,the institutionalization of the knowledge production of literary translation published in the Society's periodical,combined with the translation strategies and Sinology pursuits of the colonial elite,led to a historical understanding of the spread of Chinese literature.
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