The Evolution of the Translated Term “Papa” in Chinese
摘要: 11世纪中叶起,papa一词为罗马主教所独用。最早使用汉语“教化皇”指称罗马主教的是利玛窦。艾儒略开始用的是“教皇”,后来改用“教宗”,这很可能是出于一种政治考量。亲历过1616年南京事件的王丰肃,摄于政治压力,发明了“教化王”一词,没料到该词为前清中国皇帝所喜爱,因此经常出现在康熙等人的正式涉外文件上。晚清和民国期间,“教化王”或“教王”一词被历史所淘汰,教界信徒多互换使用“教皇”和“教宗”两词。晚清时期,黄伯禄、马相伯排他性使用“教宗”,而李杕、法国教士樊国樑则排他性地使用“教皇”一词。在教廷与民国政府建立关系的过程中,为了排除法国的干扰,“教宗”一词因较少具有政治色彩而被教会上层人士青睐,从而对中国教界产生了巨大影响。不过仍有部分教会人士,以及教外学者采用“教皇”。相较之下,“教皇”一词更能精确地揭示出罗马主教的本来面目,具有强烈的历史感,而较少感情色彩和意识形态偏见,因此是一个值得继续使用的历史名词。Abstract: Since the mid-11th century, the term "papa" has been used consistently by Roman bishops. Matteo Ricci was the first person to use the Chinese word "Jiao Huahuang" 教化皇 to refer to Roman bishops. Giulio Alenio began to use "Jiao Huang" 教皇 and later changed to "Jiao Zong" 教宗, which may be due to a political consideration. Alphonsus Vagnoni, involved in the Nanjing incident in 1616, was caught up in political pressure and invented the term "Jiao Huawang" 教化王. Unexpectedly, this term was used by the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, so it often appeared on official diplomatic documents of Kangxi and others. During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China period, the term "Jiao Huawang" 教化王 or "Jiao Wang" 教王 was no longer used; Catholics often made mixed use of "Jiao Huang" 教皇 and "Jiao Zong" 教宗. Pierre Hoang and Ma Xiangbo exclusively used "Jiao Zong" 教宗, while Li Di and French priest Alphonse Favier exclusively used "Jiao Huang" 教皇. In the process of establishing relations between the Holy See and the government of the Republic of China, in order to eliminate interference from France, the term "Jiao Zong" 教宗 was favored by the upper circles of the church due to its lack of political overtones, which had a huge impact on the Chinese Catholic Church. However, there are still some members of the church and scholars outside the Church who use the term "Jiao Huang" 教皇. Relatively speaking, the term "Jiao Huang" 教皇 can more accurately convey the nature of Roman bishops, with a strong sense of history and less emotional and ideological bias, so this historical term is worth continuing to use.
Key words:
- Papa /
- Chinese translation /
- “Jiao Huang” 教皇 /
- “Jiao Wang” 教王 /
- “Jiao Zong” 教宗
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