The Image of China in the Prague School of Sinology's View
摘要: 捷克的东方研究,及至中国研究,都显示出与萨义德东方主义不一样的内在特质。中国基本上都是作为知识对象而存在的,并不是一个需要被征服的空间。到了布拉格汉学派发展的时期,捷克与中国之间的文化同构性更为突出,使得布拉格汉学派具有了与当代中国更为相似的思想底色。在捷克历史与现实的共同作用下,布拉格汉学派的中国观既有传统欧洲汉学东方主义的影子,但消解了其殖民扩张的因素,同时又突破了19世纪以来欧洲汉学总体上对中国的负面倾向,且融入了对社会主义中国的认同,显示出别具一格的特点。首先,布拉格汉学派打破了自18世纪中叶以来欧洲历史上对中国传统伦理道德的负面评价,重新塑造了道德化中国的美好形象,包括道德化的政治、道德化的伦理、道德化的艺术以及道德化的社会主义中国几个方面。其次,布拉格汉学派对中国艺术的特征以及中国人艺术化的生活方式都进行了较为详细的论述,认为中国艺术是使中国人趋向于美和善的一个重要因素,具有内在的德性。最后,布拉格汉学派一直致力于从中国社会内部寻找和发现中国现代社会发展的根本动力,并对中国现代社会与传统社会的关联做了细致深入的阐述,由此肯定了一种发展进步的中国形象,反映出一种自觉的“中国中心观”,对于建构中国式现代化具有重要的借鉴意义。Abstract: Czech Oriental studies, as well as Chinese studies, show intrinsic qualities that differ from Said's Orientalism. China basically exists as an object of knowledge, not a space to be conquered. By the time of the development of the Prague School of Sinology, the cultural isomorphism between the Czech Republic and China became more prominent, causing the Prague School of Sinology to have a more similar ideological background to contemporary China. Under the combined effect of Czech history and reality, the Prague School's view of China retains some similarities with traditional European Orientalism, but dissolves its colonial expansion factors. The Prague School of Sinology broke through the negative tendencies of European Sinology in China since the 19th century, and at the same time integrated an identification with socialist China; therefore their studies show unique characteristics. First of all, the Prague School of Sinology broke the negative evaluation of traditional Chinese ethics and morality in European history since the mid-18th century and reshaped the positive image of a moralized China, including moralized politics, moralized ethics, moralized art, and moralized socialism. Secondly, the Prague School of Sinology has discussed in detail the characteristics of Chinese art and the Chinese artistic lifestyle, believing that Chinese art has inherent virtue and is an important factor in the Chinese tendency toward beauty and goodness. Finally, the Prague School of Sinology has been committed to finding the fundamental driving force of China's modernity within Chinese society, and has conducted a detailed and in-depth exposition of the relationship between modern and traditional Chinese society, thus affirming the image of a China that is always in the process of development and progress, not the image of a stagnant and backward China. This kind of "Sinocentric view" has critical significance for the construction of a Chinese Path to Modernization.
Key words:
- Prague School of Sinology /
- Jaroslav Prů /
- š /
- ek /
- the image of China
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