Women after Love and Family without Love: Medium Space in the Context of Capital
摘要: 耶利内克笔下的女性角色和家庭空间集中反映了女性个体在社会-家庭、城市-乡村、资本-爱情、家人关系-个体发展等几对二元关系中的处境:以《逐爱的女人》文本为中心,本文分析并阐释了资本域和精神域的中度——家庭域——的存在基础、主要功能及异变原因。确定了“人”、“欲”、“情”作为观察家庭空间的主要因素,家庭空间实际变为由资本控制的类似经济空间:人(作为劳动力的人)、情(爱作为体现人性的高级情感层面)、欲(生理性和动物性主导的低级情感需求,在家庭中以性和暴力为表象)作为三个层面的“家庭成员”关系模式均受到资本逻辑的安排。甚至人、情、欲之间进一步形成了彼此“等价”交换的联系,这也从根本上确立了资本的霸权。不但女主人,女主人的主人(男主人)都是资本的奴仆。“逐爱”是女性个体最重要的行为动机,也昭示了动态的“侨易线路”的可能:逐爱的起点是女性的原生家庭,而逐爱的终点是与男性共建的家庭空间。家庭空间是女性侨易路线的重要节点(或终点),有着一种介于个体空间和社会经济空间的“适度”性质,勾连女性个体与社会外部空间,连接个体的“生理本能”与“社会人性”,包含了一种权力场和价值起效范畴的媒介角色。Abstract: The female roles and family space in Jelinek's writing focus on the situation of female individuals in several binary relations, such as society-family, citycountryside, capital-love, family relationship-individual development: centering on the text of Women as Lovers, this paper analyzes and explains the medium degree of capital domain and spiritual domain: Family space and its basis of existence, the main functions and the reasons for its variation. It identifies “human,” “desire” and “emotion” as the main factors in observing the domestic space, which actually becomes an economic space controlled by capital: human being(as a labor force), desire(lower emotional needs dominated by physiology and animalism, which are represented by sex and violence in the family), and emotion(love as a higher emotional level that reflects human nature) as the three levels of relationship patterns between family members are all arranged by the logic of capital. Even human beings, love and desire further forms the link of “equivalent” exchange between themselves, which also fundamentally establishes the hegemony of capital. Not only the female master of the family, but also the male master of the female master is a slave of capital. Chasing Love is the most important motive of women's individual behavior, and it also indicates the possibility of a dynamic route of Qiao-Yi: the starting point of love-chasing is the original family of women, and its ending point is the family space built with men. Family space is an important node(or end point) of women's Qiao-Yi-Route, with a “moderate” nature between individual space and socio-economic space, connecting individual women with external social space, linking individual “biological instincts” with “social humanity,” containing the role of a mediator in the field of power and value initiation.
Key words:
- Jelinek /
- family /
- capital /
- women /
- Qiao-Yiology
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