Combining morphological methodology with studies of culture and history, Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West is a unique contribution to the field of historical research. Throughout The Decline of the West, “Goethe, as a prominent presence, encompasses everything.” Goethe's influence on Spengler is not only reflected in methodology. His philosophy of nature and the spiritual connotations of his masterpiece “Faust” are deeply internalized in The Decline of the West as well. Firstly, Goethe's idea of “morphology,” on the methodological level, greatly influenced Spengler's historical research. Building upon this foundation, Spengler proposed the concept of "morphology of world history" as well as views on cultural organicism and primordial phenomena. He also introduced research methods such as analogical method, intuitive method, and panoramic method, breaking away from the linear evolution model that had long dominated Western historical philosophy centering around Western history. Secondly, on the ideological level, Goethe's masterpiece Faust not only became a primary text utilized by Spengler in analyzing Western culture, but also served as the spiritual core in examining modern Western thought in The Decline of the West.Based on this, Spengler coined concepts such as the “Faustian soul” and “Faustian culture,” which have been widely adopted in subsequent studies of historical culture.Under Goethe's influence, Spengler emphasizes the need for intuitive examination of historical cultural forms and highlights the metaphysical comprehension of historical forms through symbols and analogies. This approach has rendered him a controversial figure in the field of historical philosophy. However, it is undeniable that Spengler's proposal of “the morphology of world history” has offered a fresh perspective and methodology for historical research, initiating a tradition within Western historical philosophy to study history based on cultural units. Moreover, the critical reflections and warnings on modern Western civilization in The Decline of the West also hold valuable insights and lessons for our present society.