Feminist Orientalism: Tracing the Tradition of Feminist Orientalism in the Anglo-American Discourse on Civilization
摘要: 英美社会中的“女性主义东方主义”是来自历史深处的、复杂的文化与政治现象。它有两重含义:最基本的含义是指英美社会里的女性主义者的东方主义——她们为了自我赋权而消费、想象、利用,甚至创造“东方”;此外,女性主义东方主义还可以指服务于资本主义帝国的,以女性议题、女性话语或女性主义的形式而推出的东方主义,其本质特点是把西方、东方与女性这三个范畴有机地组织起来,形成更感性的东西方二元对立的模式,再以这个模式去阐释、想象和占领东方。在殖民时代及之前,英美女性通过消费、审美、旅行、书写和传教等行动,形成了女性主义东方主义的传统:首先,以瓷器为代表的亚洲艺术和商品为白人妇女带来了想象的空间与解放的潜能,她们对东方的消费和审美行为构成了她们主体性建设的基础部分;接着,像蒙太古夫人那样的女性游记作者通过与男性不一样的“帝国之眼”增加了西方对东方的呈现维度,使得原本运作于西方内部的女性主义东方主义发展为跨国的女性主义东方主义,即女性主义东方主义出现了概念的延展;再然后,殖民时代的女传教士无论出于自觉还是不自觉,都充当了“文明自西向东”扩张的工具,把东方女性定位为自己的对立项,把东方定位在劣于西方的文明发展层次上,女性主义东方主义更加成为一个具有文化帝国主义性的存在。今天,我们需要站在历史和时代的高度去回溯其传统,扫去其中的东方主义的迷思。Abstract: There is a long-standing tradition of feminist orientalism in the Anglo-American civilization and this tradition is manifested in various phenomena of cultural politics. There are two kinds of references regarding the term of “feminist orientalism.” Its basic meaning refers to the orientalism practiced by women in the Anglo-American society, including their consumption, imagination, and even creation of “the orient”in order to empower themselves in the struggle for equality against white men. The other reference of this term is the orientalism of the West operated through female discourse, women's problems and feminist agendas. The feminist orientalism in the second sense, which is imposed on the oriental society by the capitalist imperialism, is characterized by the convergence of three elements—the East, the West and women—into a binary structure consisting of the lower East and the higher West. In the meantime, this binary structure appeals to human emotions, especially when people lack in sufficient information about the East. Feminist orientalism had served the imperialist cause in history. A tradition of feminist orientalism can be identified in Anglo-American history: firstly, it was the Asian commodities and the oriental arts, represented by chinaware and chinoiserie, that provided white women with cultural space of their own and potential opportunities for liberation, thus contributing to the construction of their subjectivity; secondly, white women travel writers, represented by Lady Montagu, unveiled the East through their “imperial eyes,” which differed from those of white men, and therefore, feminist orientalism was no longer just domestic, but became transnational and imperial; thirdly, female religion workers of the colonial period developed and reinforced this tradition, and by rendering the East inferior to the West, this tradition joined the discourse of the Western cultural imperialism. It is important for us to trace the source of this tradition in the light of historical experience over the past century in order to demystify orientalism and construct a new intercultural discourse for the new era.
Key words:
- feminist orientalism /
- the Anglo-American cultural sphere /
- gendered discourse /
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