Collections on Monk Jianzhen’s Voyage to Japan and the Transmission of Hainan’s Cultural Heritage
摘要: 由于海上风暴,鉴真第五次东渡日本时流寓海南,这段经历和海南的风土被讲谈社出版的《佛教的时代:奈良时代》再现出来。文部省小学国史中有《鉴真来朝》一文,也记录了鉴真在海南的经历。在日本的文学创作上,鉴真东渡流寓海南是重要的创作素材,井上靖的历史小说《天平之甍》多次写鉴真在海南的生活和影响。鉴真第二次东渡时所携带的物品中有海南文昌五色藤所编的簟,可见海南的藤类手工艺品在唐代已经颇为有名,且传播到江浙一带。镰仓时代的《东征传绘传》保留了鉴真受冯崇债欢迎的画面,同时反映了海南岛在唐代是重要的对外贸易地区。8世纪中叶南方形成了连接桂州、广州、交州、潭州、洪州等城市的交通网络,将岭南的物产和文化源源不断地用船舶运送到海外。海南处于这一交通网道上。鉴真在流寓海南期间,获得许多名贵香料。除了五色藤器具等来自海南的特色手工艺品之外,香料也是值得注意的海南特色产品。日本所藏的思托和淡海元开撰写的鉴真传记是鉴真相关传记的主要资料来源,这两种传记可信度最高,本文通过这些文献指出唐代海南香料随着中日的佛教文化交流而流传到邻国东瀛,为日人所识,也印证了海南岛在唐代已是重要的对外贸易的地区。Abstract: Due to a storm at sea, Jianzhen ended up in Hainan during his fifth eastward voyage to Japan. This experience and the local customs in Hainan are recorded in Time for Buddhism: The Nara Period published by Kodansha. There is an aricle in Monbu Kagakushō's history textbook for elementary students titled “Ganjin Richo,” which also accounts for Jianzhen's experience in Hainan. In the history of literary creation in Japan, Jianzhen's voyage to Japan and his sojourn in Hainan were significant writing materials. For example, Inoue Yasushi's historical novel Tenpyō no iraka has repeatedly put down Jianzhen's life and influence in Hainan. Among the items that Jianzhen carried on his second eastward journey were mats woven from the five-colored rattans grown in Wenchang, Hainan, suggesting that rattan handicrafts from Hainan had already been quite famous in the Tang Dynasty, and had been spread to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Tōseiden Emaki passed down from the Kamakura Period has preserved the scene of Jianzhen being welcomed by Feng Chongzhai, which demonstrates that Hainan was an instrumental foreign trade zone during the Tang Dynasty. In the mid-8th century, a transportation network connecting Guizhou, Guangzhou, Jiaozhou, Tanzhou, Hongzhou, and many other cities came into shape in Southern China, by means of which Lingnan commodities and culture were continuously transported overseas by ship. Hainan is on this trade line. During his stay in Hainan, Jianzhen acquired a lot of valuable spices. In addition to the five-colored rattan utensils, spices were valued local specialties in Hainan as well. Jianzhen biographies written by Si Tuo and Oumi Mifune, which are preserved in Japan, enjoy the highest the credibility and thus are the main sources of information related to biographies of Jianzhen. By counting on these documents, this article submits that records on Jianzhen's voyage to Japan not only testify that local spices from Hainan were transmitted to Japan as concomitant with the transmission of Buddhism, but also confirm that Hainan was already a vital port for international trade in the Tang Dynasty.
Key words:
- Jianzhen /
- Voyage to Japan /
- Hainan /
- Culture /
- Transmission
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