Toward a Minor Literature——On the Contemporary Significance and Causes of Kafkafieber
摘要: 与生前几乎默默无闻相比,今天卡夫卡似乎太有名气了。虽然不能说世界已经都变成卡夫卡式的,但卡夫卡式已是世界的重要组成部分,或者说重要特征之一了。卡夫卡思想的深刻性、哲理性和预言性,艺术表现的独创性、开拓性、悖谬性以及所涉及领域的广阔性,让卡夫卡成为学术关注和研究的热点。卡夫卡是众多著名作家敬仰且能够公开表示喜欢的作家。阎连科被认为是在创作理念与创作方法上非常接近于卡夫卡的中国当代作家,他对卡夫卡推崇备至。阎连科指出卡夫卡发明了“零因果”的创作方法,引领着20世纪文学创作的方向。卡夫卡的作品预言了我们共处的这个“卡夫卡式”时代。希利斯·米勒认为,当今时代研究卡夫卡作品和大屠杀小说责无旁贷,卡夫卡笔下那些看似与主线毫无关系的细节描写,实际上是在推迟即将到来的“大屠杀”。卡夫卡的作品是“现代性的反面乌托邦”,在抵制阐释中不断被阐释。卡夫卡的作品也是众多思想家、哲学家关注的对象,尤其是本雅明的卡夫卡阐释和研究,影响了诸多后来的思想家、哲学家和作家。阿伦特将卡夫卡视为针对全部现实的幽默作家和批评家,阿甘本则从语言学出发,结合法哲学探讨分析卡夫卡的著作。卡夫卡的作品就是一道“门”,向全世界所有的读者敞开。Abstract: Franz Kafka was relatively unknown in his lifetime. However, it seems that he is too famous nowadays. Even though it cannot be said that the world has become Kafkaesque,Kafkaesque has become part and parcel of the world. The profoundness, philosophical and prophetic nature of Kafka’s thought, the originality, pioneering and paradox of his artistic expression, as well as the broadness of his works, have made him a focus of academic and research. Kafka is a writer admired by many famous writers who would openly express their zeal for him. Yan Lianke is considered a contemporary Chinese writer who is next to Kafka in terms of creative ideas and techniques. He holds Kafka in high esteem, pointing out that Kafka invented the creative method named zero causality, leading the trend of literary creation in the 20th century. Kafka’s works predict the Kafkaesque era which we live in. Hillis Miller believes that it is imperative to study Kafka’s works and Holocaust fiction in the current era. Those seemingly unrelated details in Kafka’s works are actually delaying the upcoming Holocaust.Kafka’s works represent the dystopian facets of modernity, which are constantly interpreted while resisting interpretation. What’s more, Kafka’s works are also the focus of interest of many thinkers and philosophers. In particular, Walter Benjamin’s interpretation of and study on Kafka influenced many later thinkers, philosophers and writers. Hannah Arendt regards Kafka as a humorist and critic of all realities, while Giorgio Agamben explores and analyzes Kafka’s works in light of an integrated perspective that combines the philosophy of law and linguistics.Kafka’s works have opened a unique door for all readers around the world.
Key words:
- Franz Kafka /
- Kafkafieber /
- Yan Lianke /
- Hillis Miller /
- Walter Benjamin /
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