The Transformation of Peripheral Narratives and Multiple Modernities——Reconstructing the Relationship between The Sound and the Fury, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Red Sorghum
摘要: 边地叙事发生在现代/中心-传统/边缘的二元对立文化框架中,通过转换思维的视角,从边缘价值体系出发重构边地文化生态和解构一元现代性,提供了表达现代性不平衡发展、地方视角下文学生产和现代性地方化的文学术语和构想。将这个中国民族文学概念置于世界文学语境之中,重新阐释福克纳、马尔克斯和莫言之间的文学创作影响关系,有利于揭示西方中心现代性与地方性交流对话的演变流程,以及一元时间叙事向多元空间叙事的转变历程。在文学地理学的理论视角下,三者的影响关系是边地-叙事-想象三位一体的流变关系。三位作家依托地方性和家族命运,通过时空转化、虚实相融、散点叙事等不同的文学手法,处理地理意识与历史意识、人物命运与人文地理、民族与世界等现代性话语,从而呈现具有不同地域文化内核的地方民族想象。对三者文学影响关系的重构,揭示了全球化进程中边地对现代性的话语重构和边地文学的多元现代性,也表现了一个尊重文明多样性和现代性理念多样化的差异空间。Abstract: Peripheral narratives are featured by a twist of perspective in the binary framework of modernity/center-tradition/periphery opposition, which reconstructs the local culture while complementing the unitary modernity. The literary relationship between William Faulkner, García Márquez and Mo Yan demonstrates the communication between West-centric modernity and locality as well as the transition from unitary temporal narratives to diverse spatial narratives. Proceeding from the perspective of literary geography, their relationships can be defined as rheological relations in a trinity framework of borderland, narrative, and imagination.Relying on local geography and family destiny, their works employ various techniques, such as the spatialization of time, the integration of fiction and reality, and scattered narratives, in order to tend to the complicated relationship between geography and history, character and locality as well as nationality and worldliness, and thus portraying different national imaginations. The reconstruction of the relationship among the three writers reveals the role of peripheral regions in deconstructing West-centric modernity, triggers multiple modernities and unfolds a differential space that respects cultural diversity and honors multiple modernities.
Key words:
- literary geography /
- modernity /
- periphery /
- multiple modernities
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