Group Identity and Urban Writing of Chinese Intellectuals Who Studied in France:Taking Hsu Sung-Nien’s Literary Works as an Example
摘要: 徐仲年作为中法文教交流合作下培养的中国新一代知识分子,既吸收中华传统文化的经验,又受到法国文化启蒙精神的熏陶,形成了汇通中西的学思观。他是里昂中法大学第一批留法学生,在完成知识分子身份建构、实践社会责任的同时,留下了丰富的原创作品。不同于参与赴法勤工俭学的社会改革人才,徐仲年作为启蒙知识分子,其作品具备明显的写实主义、自叙传风格以及“双城”书写特点,其文本内容和交往行为体现出他追求社会启蒙和文艺自由的理念,以及他因对异国文化、道德、文艺的高敏感性而始终承受的情感和精神焦虑。徐仲年在法国完成知识分子的身份转型,这期间他利用文艺创作和沙龙活动满足自己的情感需求,法兰西文明的启蒙主义价值观培养了他崇尚实干的精神。归国后他继续通过城市书写寄托情感,履行知识分子的社会责任,一方面传播文艺和科技领域的新成果,另一方面批评现代城市文化的荒凉,反对新文艺的功利化。一·二八事变后,徐仲年以写实主义的文艺创作参与抗战文艺动员,以批判性视角记录了上海、重庆等地的城市生活与文化细节。抗战胜利后他投身于上海文化界重建中。徐仲年的城市书写体现出其对现代知识分子群体强烈的身份认同,以及对中法文化的有机结合,是为观察民国留法知识分子思想世界的范例。Abstract: Representative of a new generation of Chinese intellectuals cultivated under Sino-French cultural and educational exchanges, Hsu Sung-Nien not only absorbed experience from traditional Chinese culture, but was also influenced by the spirit of the Enlightenment in French culture, shaping his unique perspectives on learning and thinking that integrate both Chinese and Western visions. He is among the first cohort of overseas students to study at the Lyon Sino-French Institute in France. While completing the construction of his intellectual identity and practicing social responsibility, he was also a prolific author of original literary works. Unlike the reformist students who participated in the work-study program, Hsu, as an intellectual of the Enlightenment, mainly produced writings that feature realism, autobiographical style and writing characteristics exclusive to the “twin cities” (i.e. Shanghai and Paris). The content of his literary work reflects his pursuit of social enlightenment and literary freedom, as well as his high sensitivity to foreign cultures, morality,literature and art, which always leads to emotional and spiritual anxiety. Hsu Sung-Nien accomplished the transformation of his intellectual identity in France, where he met emotional needs primarily through artistic creation and literary salons, and the Enlightenment values in French culture cultivated his tendency to advocate practicality. Upon his return to China, he continued to express his feelings through urban writing, fulfilling his social responsibility as an intellectual. On the one hand, he made a considerable contribution to disseminate new literatures and technologies. On the other, he also criticized the urban desolation in modern culture and disapproved of the utilitarianism in new literature and art. After the January 28th Incident, Hsu Sung-Nien participated in the mobilization of anti-Japanese resistance art through realistic literary creation, which recorded the details of urban life and culture in Shanghai, Chongqing and other places from a critical perspective. After China’s victory in the Anti-Japanese War, he devoted himself to rebuilding Shanghai's cultural circles. Hsu Sung-Nien’s urban writing demonstrates his strong identification with the modern intellectual community and his endeavor to organically combine Chinese and French cultures, serving as a typical example for observing the thoughts of young intellectuals in that era.
Key words:
- study in France /
- intellectuals /
- group identity /
- urban writing /
- Hsu Sung-Nien
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