Early Sino-French Cultural Exchange: The City of Beijing as Described by the “King's Mathematician”
摘要: 1685 年法国国王路易十四派遣了第一批“国王数学家”前往中国,李明(Louis Lecomte)是五位到达北京的法国耶稣会士之一,并在1688年到达后受到康熙皇帝召见,中法两国间从此开启了近百年的早期文化交流。李明是十七世纪末最早深入中国各地考察、游历、传教,并对他所见所闻进行详尽分析描述的法国人。综观他笔下北京城的描述,我们不难发现,作者始终抱着强烈的好奇心,以亲眼探索北京城的姿态审视异国都城里能够看到的一切,他的描写宛若一幅康熙年间北京城写实的画面。李明对北京古老的历史,独特的建筑风格,以及繁荣的商业氛围等都做了比较客观的描述,这为“启蒙时代”的法国读者传递了比较翔实的信息。由于“礼仪之争”的原因,他只好奉命回到法国解释有关中国传教的情况,1696年他在巴黎出版了在中国期间给法国上层人士的十四封书信,取名为《中国近况新志》(Nouveaux mémoires sur l'état présent de la Chine)。尽管李明在中国停留的时间很短暂,但是回到法国后出版的十四封长信已经对中国社会进行了颇为详细的介绍,而且他分析的内容不但全面详细,而且不少内容是对当时中国和法国的情况进行的文化和历史的对比。本文着重研究李明关于北京城特点的分析和描述,特别是他对中、法城市区别的对比。李明对北京城的观察和分析为当今学者的北京历史研究提供了第一手真实的史料。Abstract: Li Ming (Louis Lecomte) was one of the five French Jesuits who was summoned by the Kangxi Emperor upon arrival in Beijing in 1688,initiating an early cultural exchange between the two countries that lasted nearly a century. He was one of the first Frenchmen in the late seventeenth century to go into China to study,travel,and preach,and to analyze and account for what he had seen and heard. Throughout his depiction of Beijing,it is easy to find out that the author had always held a strong curiosity for exploring the city with his own eyes and for examining what could be seen in the foreign capital,and his depiction presented a living picture of Beijing during the Kangxi period. Li Ming provided a relatively objective description of Beijing's ancient history,unique architectural styles,and thriving commercial atmosphere,which was informative for French readers in the Age of Enlightenment. Although Li Ming's stay in China was brief,the fourteen letters he published after his return to France provided a very detailed introduction to Chinese society:Not only is his analysis comprehensive and detailed,but it also includes a number of cultural and historical comparisons between the situation in China and that in France at the time. Because of the“liturgical controversy,”he had to return to France to explain the missionary situation in China,and in 1696 he published in Paris fourteen letters addressed to the French hierarchy during his stay in China under the title Nouveaux mémoires sur l'état présent de la Chine. The present study focuses on Li Ming's work on Beijing,which was the first of its kind in the late seventeenth century. The present study focuses on Li Ming's analysis and description of the characteristics of Beijing,especially his comparison of the differences between Chinese and French cities. Li Ming's observations and analyses of the city of Beijing provide first-hand historical information for contemporary scholars to study the history of Beijing.
[1] . Zhimin Bai,Les voyageurs français en Chine,XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles,l’Harmattan,Paris,2007. [2] . RenéÉtiemble,L’Europe chinoise,Paris,Gallimard,1988. [3] . Jean-Baptiste du Halde,La description géographique,historique,chronologique,politiqueet physique de l’Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise,Paris,1735. [4] . Le Voyage en Chine,Robert Laffont,Paris,1999. [5] . Louis Lecomte,Nouveaux mémoires de l’état présent de la Chine 1687-1692,Éditions Phébus,Paris,1990. [6] . Georges Mongredien,La vie quotidienne sous Louis XIV,Librairie Hachette,Paris,1948. -

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