摘要: 假传是借鉴史书人物传记的手法为器、物等作传,并寄寓作者一定的创作理念、人生理想和对社会的看法,韩愈的《毛颖传》被视为中国假传体的滥觞之作。高丽朝时期中国的假传体作品传入朝鲜,此时恰逢朝鲜汉文学繁荣的发展期,假传体作品的假托性、寓言性与当时朝鲜武臣政变、武臣专政的特殊政治文化背景相适应,迅速为高丽文人所采用,出现了大量的以动物、植物、事物拟人化的假传之作。这些假传之作,往往附会了大量的中国文化典故来虚构主人公的一生或家世,以此来影射当时社会、时政、官场现实。到了朝鲜朝时期,林悌的《愁城志》首次将心性拟人化,具有开创意义。这部作品兼具传记与小说的双重特点,又带有一定程度方志体的特征,上承器物假传,下启心性拟人系列小说。与之前的假传之作不同,《愁城志》中的典故不仅仅是针砭讽刺,抨击历史和现实,作者还借引典故委婉、隐晦地表明自身的政治立场,抒发自身的愁苦心绪。《愁城志》中所引的中国文化典故类型丰富多元,主要可以分为涉“心”之典、涉“城”之典和涉“酒”之典;其用典方式新颖别致,既有化用其意、隐括重绎的,又有集句为文的,灵活多变,独具特色。从林悌对假传体的发展以及其超拔的使事用典的创作能力来看,既反映了中朝文化与文学的关系十分密切,也反映了林悌对中国文化的熟知与认同,以及在吸收中国文学影响时所发挥的创作精神。Abstract: Pseudo-biographies refer to the techniques of borrowing biographies of historical figures to convey the author's creative ideas,ideals of life,and views of society. Han Yu's A Biography of Mao Ying is considered the origin of the genre of pseudo-biography in China. Pseudo-biographical works from China were introduced to Korea during the Goryeo period, coinciding with the flourishing development of Han literature in Korea. The pseudo-biographical and allegorical nature of these works were adapted to the special political and cultural background of the Korean military coup and dictatorship at that time,and were soon adopted by Goryeo literati. A considerable number of pseudo-biographies based on personified animals, plants,and inanimate objects emerged. These pseudo-biographies were often accompanied by a myriad of Chinese cultural allusions to fictionalize the life or family history of the main protagonist,thus insinuating the reality of the society,current politics and officialdom at that time. During the Joseon Dynasty,Lim Jae's Su-Seng-Ji(The Record of the Castle of Sorrow) anthropomorphized the human mind for the first time,which is of pioneering significance. This work has both the characteristics of biography and novel,and also has the characteristics of local gazetteer to a certain extent. Not only did the work inherit the artifact pseudo-biography from the outset,but it also inspired a series of novels that personify the human mind. Unlike in previous pseudo-biographies,the allusions in Su-Seng-Ji are not only sarcastic,but also reveal the author's own political stance and his personal sadness euphemistically. The types of Chinese cultural allusions quoted in Su-Seng-Ji are rich and diverse,and can be mainly categorized into allusions to“heart,”“city,”and“wine.”The use of allusions is original,flexible and unique in terms of meaning,implicit repetition,and the intertextual appropriation of collected sentences. Lim Jae's contribution to the development of pseudo-biography and his extraordinary use of allusion not only reflect the close connection between Chinese and Korean cultures and literatures,but also manifest Lim Jae's familiarity with and identification with Chinese culture and his innovative spirit to absorb the influence of Chinese literature.
Key words:
- Lim Jae /
- Su-Seng-Ji /
- types of allusion /
- citation methods /
- characteristics of citations
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