Inland Dramas Performed in Kashgar and the Local Cultural Exchange in the Period of Late Qing and the Early Republic
摘要: 正统的伊斯兰教教义是反对扮演偶像的各种戏剧的,但在伊斯兰世界边缘地区,比如中亚地区包括历史上的新疆,说突厥语的群众有时会上演一种带突厥文化色彩的民间戏剧或说唱剧,一般在有钱人家里演出。比如花拉子模、布哈拉、阿富汗和新疆部分地区有这样的戏剧表演。晚清和民国初期,喀什地区出现了来自中国内地各种戏剧上演的文化现象以及一些维吾尔群众观看有浓郁汉文化影响的戏剧的情况。喀什维吾尔社会中为何有内地汉族戏剧文化的影响,其历史背景和社会背景是什么?汉族戏剧文化对信仰伊斯兰教的维吾尔群众有何影响和冲击?喀什维吾尔社会中的伊斯兰教职人员又有什么反应呢?本文根据外文资料包括瑞典文资料就这些问题进行初步的探讨,以便总结出文化交流和交融的历史规律及伊斯兰教中国化的历史进程和文化交互作用的一些特点。Abstract: In late Qing and the early Republican period,various dramas from inland China were performed in the Kashgar region,and many a Uighur people watched these plays,which manifested a strong Chinese cultural influence. How come there was impact of the Han drama upon the Uighur society in Kashgar? What was the historical and social background? What influence did the Han opera culture exert over the Uighur people who believed in Islam? What was the reaction from the Islamic clerics in the Uighur society of Kashgar? Based on foreign and Chinese materials including major Swedish sources,this paper primarily probes the aforementioned issues in order to account for the historical rule in cultural exchange and integration,and to recapitulate some characteristics of the historical progress of the Sinicization of Islam and the crucial role of cultural interaction in the process.
Key words:
- Kashgar /
- inland dramas /
- Uighur Akhund /
- cultural exchange
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