An Intrinsic Correlation between Shanghai-Style Culture and the Jiangnan Culture:A Study Focused on Literati Gatherings in Shanghai before and after the Opening of the Port
摘要: 上海古称海上、上洋,靠海临江,宋代因商而崛起形成市镇,元代因港而兴盛由镇升县,明代抗倭筑城,形成上海老城厢,明清时期经济繁荣,衣被天下。上海人历来崇文重教,科举鼎盛,人才辈出,在文学、艺术、收藏、工艺及中西交流等领域都取得了非凡成就,成为江南文化的重要组成部分。以港兴市、重商、移民、经世致用精神在明清上海江南文化发展过程中尤为突出。嘉庆初年,上海道台李廷敬发起平远山房雅集,其后李筠嘉发起吾园雅集,活动持续时间长,活动内容丰富,人员广泛,可以说是继扬州、南京雅集之盛况后“所未见也”,一时江南名士汇聚海上。上海开埠后,萍花社雅集、飞丹阁书画雅集再到豫园书画善会和海上题襟馆雅集,从传统书画雅集转向了现代化的书画社团,有固定场所、组织机构和章程,推举有名望的书画家为会长,侧重于书画家的商业推广。书画雅集注重大家合作,关注慈善互助,在绘画风格彼此借鉴,又相互融合,形成了海派书画雅俗共赏、流派自由、风格多元、开拓创新的海派特征,成为海派文化最早起源。开埠前上海江南文化中孕育着海派文化基因,是海派文化之源,两者一脉相承。本文从开埠前后海上文人雅集来解析江南文化中的海派基因,探讨上海江南文化与海派文化一脉相承。Abstract: Shanghai,formerly known as Haishang and Shangyang,was next to the Yangtze River and the sea. In the Song Dynasty,it burgeoned as a market town due to commercial exchange. In the Yuan Dynasty,the town was upgraded to a county owing to the flourishing ports. When it came to the Ming Dynasty,a city was built in the region in resistance to Japanese invasion,gradually shaping the old city of Shanghai. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the economy boomed and the city was well received by the world. The Shanghainese have always had high regard for literature and education,for which reason the imperial examination system prospered and talents emerged in various fields such as literature,art,connoisseurship,craftsmanship and Sino-Western cultural exchange,contributing significantly to the Jiangnan culture by and large.The practical spirits of humanistic pragmatism,which seek to revitalize the city through port trade,commerce and immigration,were particularly prominent in the development of Jiangnan culture in Shanghai during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the early years of the Jiaqing reign,the circuit official of Shanghai Li Tingjing initiated the Pingyuanshanfang literati gathering. Then Li Yunjia followed suit and launched the Wuyuan literati gathering. The latter event lasted for a long time,rich in content and involving a wide variety of participants. With a considerable number of celebrities gathering in Shanghai,it is safe to say that it was an“unprecedented”gala following the Yangzhou and Nanjing literati gatherings. After the opening of the port of Shanghai,the Pinghuashe literati gathering,the Feidange literati gathering,the Yuyuan Painting and Calligraphy Charity Association and Haishang tijin Calligraphy and Painting Association were transformed from traditional calligraphy and painting literati gatherings to modern calligraphy and painting societies. There were fixed venues, administrative organizations and regulations for these societies,and prestigious calligraphers and painters were recommended as presidents to boost the commercial promotion of calligraphers and painters. Literati gatherings that feature calligraphy and painting appreciation give special weight to cooperation,charity and mutual assistance,encouraging artists and literati to learn from each other and to integrate new styles,forming a unique Haipai(Shanghai Style)culture that accentuates mutual appreciation of calligraphy and paintings that appeal to both refined and popular tastes,freestyle, diverse genres,and innovation. Before the opening of the port,the Jiangnan culture in Shanghai nurtured the genes of the Haipai culture,and was the source of the Haipai culture. This article analyzes the genes of Haipai culture within the Jiangnan culture in light of Haishang literati gatherings before and after the opening of the port of Shanghai,and probes into the causal nexus between the Jiangnan culture and the Shanghainese culture.
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