Volume 4 Issue 4
Dec.  2022
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JIN Wen. Moral and Aesthetic Feeling in Eighteenth-Century Western Enlightenment Thought[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2021, 4(4): 636-654. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20214403
Citation: JIN Wen. Moral and Aesthetic Feeling in Eighteenth-Century Western Enlightenment Thought[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2021, 4(4): 636-654. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20214403

Moral and Aesthetic Feeling in Eighteenth-Century Western Enlightenment Thought

doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20214403
  • Received Date: 2021-09-15
  • Accepted Date: 2021-12-30
  • The Enlightenment, long known as the "Age of Reason," has increasingly been associated with "feeling" in recent scholarship. The eighteenth century witnessed a concerted effort on the part of Enlightenment thinkers to comprehend the connections between the body and the mind through the lens of feeling. A powerful strand of Enlightenment thought seeks to justify feeling and thereby suture the body and the mind by turning feeling into a bridge between the two, capable of transforming sensations and physical reactions to the environment into conditions for proper moral and aesthetic judgment.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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