Volume 5 Issue 1
Mar.  2022
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HU Jihua. The Pathosformel and the Image of the Idea: Toward the Significance of the Romantic Novel in Geistesgeschichte[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2022, 5(1): 47-66. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20225103
Citation: HU Jihua. The Pathosformel and the Image of the Idea: Toward the Significance of the Romantic Novel in Geistesgeschichte[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2022, 5(1): 47-66. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20225103

The Pathosformel and the Image of the Idea: Toward the Significance of the Romantic Novel in Geistesgeschichte

doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20225103
  • Received Date: 2021-07-26
  • Accepted Date: 2022-01-05
  • The romantic novel is not only a literary genre;it is also a form of passion and an intellectual image. In the early German Romantic era, the novel made the transition from passionate form to ideological imagery, a transition that was essentially a paradigm shift in the history of the spirit. Firstly, the romantic novel was the paradigmatic form of the romantic poem, which was the evolving universe or total poem, and the romantic novel thus became an all-encompassing and never-ending form of passion. Secondly, the romantic novel is a book of romance, created by the author, with the participation of the public and the passionate intervention of the subject, which romanticises the world;at the same time, the novel shares its bloodline with the epic, becoming in its historical connection the "poem of poems" or the "poetry of origins." Thirdly, the romantic novel is a concrete form of the new mythology for romanticism, which tends to metaphorically construct the "sensual religion" and the "rational mythology" as a self-regulating symbolic world, maintaining an aesthetic relationship with the crude, even cruel, "absolutism of reality."
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