Volume 5 Issue 4
Dec.  2022
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YAO Mengze. Negotiating with the Nation-state,Literature and Scholarship: The Academic History of Comparative Literature Retold[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2022, 5(4): 55-74. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20225404
Citation: YAO Mengze. Negotiating with the Nation-state,Literature and Scholarship: The Academic History of Comparative Literature Retold[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2022, 5(4): 55-74. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20225404

Negotiating with the Nation-state,Literature and Scholarship: The Academic History of Comparative Literature Retold

doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20225404
  • Received Date: 2022-03-28
  • Accepted Date: 2022-06-06
  • Since the 1980 s, Chinese comparatists have constructed a solid narrative of the disciplinary history of comparative literature. Based on a lineage of schools and their methods, it tells a story of a discipline which was born in Europe, grew up in the USA, and at last flourished in China. With its highly organized and systematic features, this narrative is very useful in pedagogy;therefore, it is regarded as part of the basic knowledge of the discipline. However, this narrative is too neat to match the multidimensional histories and practices of comparative literature, hence its usefulness is largely restricted to the vacuum of classrooms and exams. What we really need is a history of various academic problems in association with the larger history, rather than a rigidly defined disciplinary history with a predetermined and teleological narrative. Sprouted in the dual discovery of the nation-state and national literature, comparative literature has always been negotiating with the nation-state, literature and scholarship. In the 19 th and the early 20 th century, the French comparatists built comparative literature on the scientificity of history studies and literary history, giving the discipline characteristics of transnationalism and historiography. In the mid-20 th century, with their heritage of(and breakthrough in) relational and historical studies, American comparatists brought the discipline from a regional and marginal status to the community of literary academics in the West, and gave literature centrality, allowing comparative literature to transcend the nationstate. Since the 1980 s, comparative literature has been largely glocalized and theorized, and turned out to be a compound of variant post-national and hyper-literary academic practices in the humanities. Noticing its endless negotiation with the nation-state, literature and scholarship, we might not only better learn the diverse histories of comparative literature, but also understand the dynamic relationship between comparative literature and the larger history. At last, the studies of the academic history of comparative literature could lead us to the futures of this discipline or nondiscipline

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