Volume 6 Issue 4
Dec.  2023
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ZHANG Xiping. Intercultural Interaction: Research Methods of Overseas Sinology(Chinese Studies)[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2023, 6(4): 7-20. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20236401
Citation: ZHANG Xiping. Intercultural Interaction: Research Methods of Overseas Sinology(Chinese Studies)[J]. International Comparative Literature, 2023, 6(4): 7-20. doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20236401

Intercultural Interaction: Research Methods of Overseas Sinology(Chinese Studies)

doi: 10.19857/j.cnki.ICL.20236401
  • Received Date: 2023-10-17
  • Accepted Date: 2023-11-30
  • As an intercultural academic system, the study of overseas Sinology is an important issue, and there are many disputes in the academia. This paper suggests that there are three approaches for studying Sinology overseas: studies of Chinese learning, research of academic history, and comparative literature research. The first approach emphasizes the content of research by overseas sinologists and whether the knowledge they provide is correct. This is from the perspective of Chinese culture. The second approach focuses on the historical development of Sinology and regards it as an academic system, emphasizing the inheritance and the interface of knowledge. This is from the perspective of Orientalist academic history. The third path pays attention to the variability of overseas Sinology as part and parcel of a Western knowledge system, as how the expression and viewpoints are influenced by national culture. This is from the standpoint of comparative culture. The “Intercultural Interaction” model for the investigation of overseas Sinology expands the scope of global history from the focus on economic interactions and the spread of disease to “spiritual world interactions” and “intercultural interactions.” The existence of overseas Sinology profoundly reveals the universality of Chinese culture and its interaction with Western and other cultures. Such interaction is not a mere diffusion of knowledge, but a journey of Chinese culture, as the wisdom of the East, into the development of Western or other cultures. By this token, the study of overseas Sinology is not merely carried out within the scope of Oriental Studies, but moves into research on ideological and cultural history of the targeted countries, thereby disclosing the significance of Chinese culture and civilization worldwide. This is the most profound interaction between Chinese culture and the West and the rest in the spiritual world.
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